Which games would you describe as "well written"?

All the games I have played over the years, thousands of hours, and I never once felt that I was playing a well written one.

For me, “The Wire” of the video game world has not yet been done… But then quite a few of the titles listed in this thread I never tried, so maybe it is there and I missed it.

If you played Vampire Bloodlines, Witcher 2/3, Fallout New Vegas, Planescape Torment…and didn’t find them well written, then you gotta have some mighty high standards :)

They were good games, and well written, but deeper than I’m talking about them providing choices and consequences that felt impactful to both the game and potentially revealing of you as a person (if you choose to reflect that deeply).

David2 I am in complete agreement. But I come at it from a technical writer’s point of view (attorney) so I dunno. Maybe some of this stuff is good as “art”. But rarely have I been impressed by any writing in a game.