Who's the most respected on this forum, by far?

In order of post count. with as many of the people on the “top 50” page, skipping those of us that have been gently touched.

This poll had a number of possible alternate titles including:

  1. The biggest possible poll on thie board
  2. The QT3 populatity contest
  3. Oh god not another poll
  4. XPav’s attempt to jack up his post count

Hey, you left out “thinker”.

I would like to vote for everyone except Ben.

Yeah, most respected what? Or should that be most respected, by far, what?

I left out “thinker” because that would pretty much disqualify everyone. See, this way, its just a popularity contest.

Of course, if you want to add thinker, start your own poll about whether this poll implies “thinker” or not.

Duh - Koontz :roll:

My thought exactly…if you are going to quote the man in the poll he better be in it ;)

My thought exactly…if you are going to quote the man in the poll he better be in it ;)[/quote]

Well, here’s the thing – I’m pretty sure no one would have voted for him. Its like “why doesn’t Ralph Nader get to debate with Bush and Gore?” – “because he’s a loony, that’s why.”

What a bunch of conceited bastards.

I mean, I voted the ‘me’ option, too. But I"m right :D

I’m top 50, way to be a jerk!

I s a vote for Asher a vote for Chick?

Where are Tom Chick and Sparky? Sheesh. They shouldn’t be delegated to the dregs with me.

I went by post count. Then I don’t have to make value judgements.

I had like 50 people in there but no, that’s too big a poll.

I wanted to vote for “ME” but I voted for Bub because he’s so darn respectable. He’s never a jerk and he’s never a troll.

Hmmm…actually, now that I think about it, maybe that just makes him a sissy.

Can I change my vote?


Plus, he runs a family oriented game site. How lame is that? :wink: I think Black Leather Times* is a much more respectable venture. :roll:

*Seriously, what’s up with those banners. I went to the site and it is ontly this far --> <— from being a site just for links to porn sites that only have links to other porn sites that only have links to other porn sites that… Anyway, I like my porn as much as the next guy (perhaps a little more than the next guy), but the site just hurt my head. I guess I just like my porn vanilla with no leather or ropes or chains.

I would have to vote for The Narrator myself.

Man, are we ever full of ourselves.
In that vein, where the hell was my name, bitch?

ME! Hardly even know they rest of you guys & gals.

I am pleased to see that so far, it’s ME by a landslide. Should I prepare an acceptance speech?

It’s just a popularity contest with you people!