My thought exactly…if you are going to quote the man in the poll he better be in it ;)[/quote]
Well, here’s the thing – I’m pretty sure no one would have voted for him. Its like “why doesn’t Ralph Nader get to debate with Bush and Gore?” – “because he’s a loony, that’s why.”
Plus, he runs a family oriented game site. How lame is that? :wink: I think Black Leather Times* is a much more respectable venture. :roll:
*Seriously, what’s up with those banners. I went to the site and it is ontly this far --> <— from being a site just for links to porn sites that only have links to other porn sites that only have links to other porn sites that… Anyway, I like my porn as much as the next guy (perhaps a little more than the next guy), but the site just hurt my head. I guess I just like my porn vanilla with no leather or ropes or chains.