Why aren't we doing anything about campaign finance reform and lobby reform?

Missouri voters overwhelmingly passed campaign finance, lobbying and redistricting reform at the ballot box last year. Amazing collection of organizations and dynamic leaders turning Missouri back into the bellwether state that it used to be.

Arizona voters supported a reform to prohibit candidates from giving their public financing to political parties or tax-exempt organizations that are allowed to influence a candidate’s election.

Voters supported Proposition 306 with 56 percent of the vote last year.

I didn’t realize the thread was so old. Discourse and forums are newish to me, but I know a thing or two about elections and getting things passed or blocked.

It’s a good conversation to continue, so I appreciate the info.

I agree with Josh Hawley on something??

This would also help folks like the Gaetzful Eight against the establishment GOP. Dems should support it to weaken the establishment GOP in many ways, butt won’t do it too hard because it would also bolster leftists.

Manchin and Sinema would kill this in the senate.