Why Blue Beetle is the best super hero ever

You’re not kidding. Look at the difference between Alfred’s facial features in the two panels with Batman and Nightwing’s reactions.

Sadly, there’s far worse. From the May 2003 issue of Batgirl:

It’s a real shame, because the character of the new Batgirl is an interesting one, and the stories are about as entertaining as most other monthly super hero books, but the art … god … the art …

Fortunately, they seem to have found a team for the current run that, while not perfect, produces far more reasonable work than that shown above.

To reset the subject…

Blue & Gold + Kooey Kooey Kooey = Club JLI. 'Nuff said.

Actually, I think that’s better. Don’t get me wrong, it’s still crap. But at least there’s a hint of style, and some understanding of motion. Well, at least there is until that stupid “double fist” panel.

The preview for JLA: CLASSIFIED #4 has some more Blue Beetle & Booster Gold goodness, for those interested.

DC took all the better writers.

Mavel got the artists.

I fell in love with Booster Gold about fifty times over when I found out that Skeets sounds like Billy West!

Oh man, that Batgirl… that’s just… umm… I can say with complete honesty that I went to high school with people who drew better. My school wasn’t a draw for the artsy-fartsies either.

Fortunately the artwork has improved with the current run:

Wow, that’s eerie. I know a guy who draws legs and arms just like that (on the cover).