Why do people say MOO was better than its sequel MOO2?

Oh sweet, this is the Project Formerly Known as JavaMOO, yeah?

Correct. I renamed it at the request of Wargaming, who owns the IP for “Master of Orion” but they have allowed me to use all of the original game’s race names

Lots of nice QOL improvements here. I especially like being able to quickly synchronize troop transports and the ability to easily select all of a particular type of ship and send then enmasse to another system. Bravo.

I am pretty sure a SWAT team is already en-route to JMR’s location, probably dispatched by all the nice people seeing him as threat to the market of selling second-hand version of the book for 100 bucks on Amazon.

Anyway, I just tried your remake, Ray Fowler, and while I never played the original game, I must say that if it is any indication, I understand the love on display in this thread, as it is really incredibly easy to get into. The most obtuse part was sending my first ship out, which took about 30 seconds figuring out. The fleet management is so simple!
Also, what a level of polish! And none of the interface or graphical elements came out as “cheap” - they all had a very nice Sci-fi vibe.
I am looking forward to playing more of it.

Thank you for your kind comments! Please keep in mind that a graphic designer recently started redesigning the interface, so maybe a third of them are currently done. I am sure that you can tell the difference between the new Main, Fleets & Planets UI and all of the others!

There’s still a lot of work to do, but I am happy that what has been completed so far is being received so well.

If anybody, like me, was curious to try the first game, the duology is on sale for 1.49$ on GOG.

This is a weird bump as an incident: I was looking around old guides on Amazin, and it seems the Johnny Wilson and Alan Emrich Civilization guide is back to more sane pricing (around 6 bucks)

I am unsure if that was one the one @BrianRubin was looking for.

Same goes for Master of Orion’s:

Whatever speculating bubble there was last year, it seems to have imploded.

Edit: Just ordered mine, expected to cross the Atlantic early december!

I have the Master of Orion 3 strategy guide. If anyone needs it. I read it at night. It puts me right to sleep. Better than Quaaludes.

I hear its author is suing the Civilization 6 strategy guide’s.


So. You don’t need the MOO3 book?

There is no MOO3. Stop making shit up.

Shh bby is ok.

Guess I’ll just keep holdin’ on to my MOO and MOM guides then. Just reinstalled MOO1, still love most everything about it except having to fiddle with the goddamn sliders all the time.


A lot of the time, the game will ask to adjust stuff automatically for you (e.g. to clean up pollution, or after a particular research breakthrough), and this isn’t a game where you really have to fiddle with the sliders every turn, especially not after you get a few colonies going.

Yeah but my stupid brain makes me min/max it.

That sounds like a “you” problem.

Yep, no MOO3. Good thing I’ve got Stars! Supernova Genesis to play instead!

For the MOO that does not exist, I wish Emrich’s design doc would find its way onto the internetz. It would be interesting to read and see what his original design was. Anyone know if Wargaming plans to do another game? Their first stab at it was simplistic, but that was intentional.