Why don't I like Resident Evil 4? UPDATE: Oooh, maybe I'll like this 2023 remastered version!

If RE4 leaned into actual QTEs, especially RE5 style (where prompts changed every time a new QTE option came up, even in the same type of fight), I would not enjoy it. As it is, with the simple and consistent buttom prompts for “set dodges” combined with actual knife combat, I really enjoyed both Krauser clashes (the “appetizer”, as it were, and the main event). Also the game is very forgiving reading inputs, which I love. Windows for most things are pretty generous (parrying is really the trickiest), and even if you panic mash other things if you get that B-button pressed, you get a dodge. I don’t know if Professional changes that at all.

Given how much the game overhauled in terms of boss fights, I was surprised the Saddler fight seemed so similar to the original. Of the other boss fights, it felt like only the giant fights didn’t get meaningfully overhauled and they didn’t need to be (I might not be remembering something else).

It’s hard work to keep all the lackluster non-game media Resident Evil content straight, man.

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