Why don't I like Resident Evil 4? UPDATE: Oooh, maybe I'll like this 2023 remastered version!

I grab the mouse and keyboard for the shooting gallery, but otherwise, I’m just using the default controller scheme, which is working out okay. I don’t think it’s any different from the other latest RE’s, is it? I played a fair bit of the RE2 remake last year. And plenty of Village before that. I seem to be tapping into my muscle memory just fine.

And wouldn’t you know it, right after declaring a lack of pushback, I’m running into, uh, issues because of Ashely. I certainly remember her now. : /

I really should remember my goddamn login for this site. And use it more.

Anyway, I’ve reached ch7, and I really, really love this game. It’s not as much as a leap as RE2-RE2 Remake is, obviously, but they tightened and modernized it, threw in fun surprises and…ugh, just the whole package is great!

The shooting gallery is kind of brutal though, this time around…

Yeah I miss being able to put Ashley in a dumpster while I deal with a crowd. She gets grabbed a lot more in this.

The catfish battle in the original is a dumpster fire of shit design, controls, and QTEs to punish the player even more after the player screwed something up (easy to do, for the aforementioned reasons). I would take the battle in the remake over that game every day of the week and twice on Sundays.

I am about to get Ashley but haven’t yet. It looks like the Ashley stuff is the one area where the remake mis-stepped, to me, from watching streams (also, they should have just cut the section where you have to play as her). Although we’ll see how much content in the castle and beyond is changed up. But she is definitely getting grabbed more, and there’s “game over if she even gets grabbed” sections (although not many). I don’t really want to manager her “settings”. I just want to stuff her into a dumpster until I clear shit out (assuming I can’t just stuff her into a portable hole).

I was a fan of the original, but I would argue there was a lot more fat to trim in that game than in any previous RE (but then of the originals I played RE, some of 2, and none of 3). Setting aside that it’s a very different sort of game than the first three in the series, mind. But that fat trimming and modernization has so far been very good (I’m about to do the first giant fight).

Better UI (by a thousand). The parry system is interesting but I can’t remember to do it enough. Friendlier on money (since you can sell back weapons for ~95% of what you spent on buying/upgrading them). The changes to the areas so far are just enough to freshen things up. The “treasure upgrading” seems better in this one (everything that you can just sell is clearly marked as such). I like the additions to the medallion hunting side quest, and the different upgrades that system provides. At least to this point, this is a clearly superior game to the original.

I don’t mind Ashley getting grabbed so much as it’s generally a free knife execution kill if you run up from behind. However, I do mind that she seems to love hugging wack murdermonks that I’ve stuck with a crossbow mine shortly due to explode. One shots her every time.


(Though it is kinda funny watching Leon facepalm with total ‘not this shit again’ energy when it happens).

Oh I agree with you, my point is that the leap from the PS1 era tank-control RE2 to the reimagined RE2 Remake is far greater than RE4 to RE4 remake. That was not meant to imply that they did not do a great job

e: I do not like Ada’s new voice. Looking her up and seeing that it’s the actress in that (probably terrible) RE show that no one watched, I think this casting may have been a mistake.

I must say though that for someone who never played the original and is not a fan of the whole horror type genre I am really digging it. I’ve never really enjoyed horror takes on games but I will probably play all the remakes now. Love the mix of conserving ammo, puzzle solving, tremendous atmosphere - oh yes, and killing bad guys too. And it’s awesome on the steam deck so I can play in bed guilt free while the wife snores away (and I say that with love 🤣).

Is this the first Resident Evil to have “agnostic” ammo drops? I’m really enjoying the way gunpowder lets you craft ammo for whichever weapon you want, and I don’t remember enjoying that freedom in any of the earlier REs. Am I just forgetting, or is this RE4 remake the first time they’ve done this?

Don’t hold back, @peacedog. Let it all out. We’ve all been there. How many times did you have to play to beat it? It was more than 20, wasn’t it? It’s okay, we’re here for you and we won’t judge you. :) For what it’s worth, I originally played that boss battle with a group of friends taking turns trying to beat it. It was a pretty amazing set piece for us, and at the time, I don’t think any of us cared one whit about how well or poorly it was designed. Furthermore, I don’t think I’d seen anything like it in another videogame. Such a blatantly Jaws-inspired horror boss? Yes, please!

Anyway, my point was more about how this time, in this remake, it was just a matter of holding down the fire button until I’d shot enough of my infinite harpoons into the bad guy. If there was ever any danger of the catfish* killing me and forcing me to replay from the beginning, I didn’t see it. I probably could have beat that boss battle with a rubber band around the controller. Maybe it gets harder later during the hardercore NG+ playthroughs? Maybe Capcom has gotten hip to the fact that some players get frustrated at obtuse boss battles? Or maybe I’m just really good at aiming harpoons after playing so much Black Odyssey?

* Really more of a salamander, isn’t it?

I think it looks more like a big, dumb axolotl. 'Cept not cute. But yeah, ez.

resident axolotl

Spoiler alert!

7, 2R, 3R, and 8 all had ammo crafting.

But were they agnostic? I don’t remeber, but I think specific items were used to craft specific ammo.

I really like it how they mix up old environments with fresh gameplay beats. The farmyard section did kill me this time… and please don’t shit on the original RE4, it was a perfect game when it came out.

Gunpowder crafting appears back at least as far as the original Resident Evil 3. But in that it’s three types of gunpowder and different combinations produce different amounts of like four different guns’ ammo (and several types of grenade, when making grenades for the launcher).

Okay, but did any of them have “agnostic” ammo drops that let you craft ammo for whichever gun you wanted? That’s what I don’t remember and why I asked.

That’s how I remember it working, but RE4 is different. You choose the gun you want ammo for and spend from a pool of generic gunpowder and specific resources. Is that unique to this RE4 remake?

Can you give some examples, @newbrof? Very little of this is coming back to me as I play, but I’d be curious to hear more about what new gameplay they’ve introduced in RE4. What would I miss if I were to go back to the original RE4?

I will say that sometimes as I’m playing, I get the sense the level design was dictated by Gamecube specs. These are the times I find myself musing, “Hmm, I bet this would make a cool Goldeneye level…”

Ugh, Ashley section.


LOL that’s incredible.

hehe, I had something similar happen today when my perfectly executed sidestep ended up with Ashley catching a throwing axe with her face. Should’ve captured it to video but oh well.

for example, the mini boss in the farmyard after the village (bingo) and the windmill area. And after you find Luis Serra, first time you meet the merchant. That was new/different. And the sniper area after the merchant, also is a bit different. I don’t remember that there was a bridge that could blow up.

It is like playing a fine tuned randomizer mod that also changes level architecture. I just replayed RE4 last year, twice (normal and ng+)… and I am really enjoying it, because I get a lot of surprises and it feels fresh to me.