Why don't police use whips?

Forget it, man - it’s jafd. He’s a troll.

The real question is why they don’t use fire hoses and German Shepards.

They do use German Shepards.

No, the real question is why they don’t use vials of acid.

The real question is why they don’t use katanas. Everyone knows they are the best weapon ever crafted by man and may have actually been brought to us by a higher intelligence.

The sinuous motion and alarming crack of a Western bullwhip may fascinate and intimidate, my friend, but it’s next to useless as a police weapon. The wielder needs a lot of room to swing it and a lot of time to build momentum with the tip.

No, Ted, for an effective fighting whip, we must turn to the rugged yet beautiful terrain of Africa and the exotic leathers it produces. Did you know that the back hide of an adult hippopotamus is four inches thick? It can be cut into strips a yard long, stiff enough return to straightness when flexed, and light enough for a child to wield. For unknown generations Africans have used such whips to kill venomous snakes and to drive the cape buffalo (which has quite a thick hide of its own) with minimal effort.

But sadly this noble folk tool was put to sinister ends by European colonialists, who gave it the name sjambok (after Django van Sjambok, the famous “Boer Gypsy” of lore, who always carried one in his wanderings). The apartheid regime of South Africa armed its riot police with sjamboks instead of the usual truncheons, prizing the whip’s ability to flay, even through heavy clothing, with the flick of a wrist.

I know what you’re thinking. “JMJ, there are no hippos around here, and therefore no sjamboks. How can you tantalize me like this?” Man, would I do that to you? Modern technology and training make the sjambok more practicable than ever!

J. Peterman? Is that you?


funnily enough the Sjambok was the first thing that sprang to mind when “police” and “whips” get combined together.

Besides, remember how Indy got that scar? How would that look when you come to subdue that protestor and you split your own face open with it rather than hers?

Sick-sticks would be fun, though.

Policeman with a whip…

Sat behind a monitor with [glory] holes drilled in it?

I don’t get it. Would you drill holes in the whip, or drill holes with the whip. And could you really disable an air-to-air missile with one?

Everyone who’s ever seen Highlander anyway.

Please do, and then post their response here.

Be sure to include a sketch labelled “Artist’s Rendition” in your letter to the police department.

Ninja Policeman? Ninja Policeman?

Ask yourself if you really want that.

You’d see a huge rise in Police Academy enrollment, is what would happen.

And that can only mean more movies! Who wouldn’t want that?

Katanas are hardly the perfect weapon.

A properly wielded Rapier was possibly even more deadly and far more versatile.

I do believe TRex here is taking Brian Koontz’s place as the guy who incites responses way more entertaining than his actual posts. Of course, Koontz was raving bugfuck insane, and Theo is a more cute and cuddly “special” person.