Why don't we ever wake up to go "Number 2"?

That may sound like a silly question, but it popped into my head and I can’t think up an answer.

We usually have to wake up to pee, and it gets worse as we get older, but we haven’t really defecated in our sleep since when we were infants.

Is it something you “outgrow” physically? Is it something we train ourselves not to do so thoroughly that it creates a subconscious block? And if so, why can’t we do the same for having to pee?

I hope we have someone present who can give a definitive answer, because it’s gonna haunt me.

For whatever reason, this reminds me of Jonny Moseley’s infamous query of “What if it snowed in San Francisco?”

Make sure you don’t get any on your shirt. You may have a big meeting this morning.

As someone with occasional digestive/allergy related issues, I can say that I do wake up when it gets to the point where I need to go soon. But for the most part, your body shuts that stuff down when you sleep, or at least puts it on a slow track. Plus there is a lot of room in your intestines as opposed to the limited capacity of your bladder.

It’s rare that the threadshitting happens in the OP.

Occasionally I need to even though I don’t have any problems that I know about.

And because none of you know me and this’ll never reach him, occasionally my brother would shit his bed until he got to grade 1.

Classy thread.
