Why the hell did these people vote for Trump?

There you have it, Trump wants to “make Russian people support Obama.”

I see what you did there!

When was the last time in the US that the top two parties had <90% of the seats in the legislature? My contention is that both FPTP and the presidential system (elected on FPTP) drive very strongly towards two parties. In a FPTP parliamentary system, two parties are favoured, but other parties can survive.


And Hillary just wanted to Remember to Make Health Convention Speech!

This was my experience too. “She didn’t even stop in WI” was a pretty big thing I heard as well. You gotta make it out to all of the swing states.

Yup. The problem @Jason_Levine notes are true, and a legitimate issue. But it was not a problem of the Dems in general, and Hillary in specific, ignoring them.

It was the media abandoning their duty,

There have been 27 amendments in 230 years, so they do happen, but they’re not exactly frequent. Since I was born in 1968, we’ve had 2, and one of those was proposed in 1789 and took 202 years to ratify. So I’m not going to hold my breath for the next one.

HIllary did take a number of states for granted, it seemed. She did not run a good campaign (which is not one of her strengths, based on her losing in the Primary to Obama, and allowing Bernie to even come close).

I see that a different way. News used to be a loss leader for TV. Now it’s making a profit. So now profit, and not facts, are the job.