Why we won't live happily ever after with Planetary Annihilation

Please let me know which fee this was and who got paid because I sure didn't get anything!

I share the experience and opinion but at the same time want to flame QOT because thats what i usually do. The inner conflict is killing me.

From the start of article I thought maybe he was talking about Destiny.

You don't need a globe to have a lack of map edges. One of these days you're going to play a Civilization game and it's going to blow your mind!

Wait, when did Civilisation become an RTS? Oh it isn't, you're trolling your own page again.

So you have to research random sites and links on the interwebs in order to have a chance of understanding how to play the game - and you find that acceptable? Sounds like Tom was right about developers and their fans living in an echo chamber. And Tom is a pretty hardcore RTSer compared to casual players like me who might otherwise find the game interesting.

Man what are you a caveman? You can't figure out how the game works just by playing it?

This game is just not very well designed, they just throw in all these gimmicks and hope players are too dazzled. I love how a bad review on a well known game gets this much hate.

The lack of packaged documentation is a problem. The in-game tutorial is out of date and not all that informative to begin with. Fine. State that as an issue, maybe with a warning for readers that you might need to do a little more legwork to learn the game. Then you move on to something else. There's plenty of games with poor documentation that nevertheless have redeeming qualities that make them great games.

The way Tom Chick arrives at 1/5 stars for this game completely boggles my mind seeing as it's the most fun I've had in an RTS in a number of years. Some missing features and lack of documentation? Ok dock points for that, but the game in my opinion easily should be a 3/5 at the worst. It really is a great game once you figure out how all the pieces fit together.

And I'm not from the 'echo chamber', I bought the game on launch day and have been having a great time ever since.

Ah, hehe, dammit! Nah, that's plenty clever. Shows me for trying to be likewise. Well, guess the intended lesson of my original post made it through this mess just the same, though I ended up playing a different part than I had hoped...the irony (squared) stings :)

Is arguing with someone named "Chick" misogyny?

Wait, hold on. Because the is the "most fun you've had with an RTS in a number of years", I should have changed my opinion? If that's how we're going to do this, I'm going to need you to contact me *before* I post my review!

Also, you might want to acquaint yourself with our ratings system. There's a link at the bottom of the page, but to save you the click, I can tell you the rating is only a measure of whether and how much I like a game. It is intended to have no bearing on a game's level of quality or objective worth or qualifications as a work of art/entertainment/education/interplanetary dominance.

That's part of the pacing issue, isn't it? Generally that sort of back-and-forth between defense and offense requires interplay between the different sides, and it evolves with back-and-forth over the course of the match. But I don't get the sense that stuff was very well tuned in Planetary Annihilation.

Fortunately, I don't consider myself a gamejournalist. Or even a game journalist!

So by your logic, any game that doesn't desync is OMG 5/5!!! 4eva!

Please refrain from posting anymore, your incompetence is glaring.

Would it help if I told you about RTSs that had wraparound maps? I could blow your mind that way.

The point is that there is never ever ever ever ever ever a good reason to put a strategy game on a 3D globe. You gain nothing and you lose half of everything. When you suggest that it's the only way to map a map without edges, you're conveniently ignoring games played on maps without edges that didn't obscure half of themselves at any given time.

Oh, man, is that right? It's been a long time, but I guess I'm confusing the first Supreme Commander with the venerable Total Annihilation. It's funny how just as your memory cleans up graphics, it addresses interface issues!

No you don't need to contact me before your next review, I just found it a bit jarring how out of alignment someone else's opinion was from my own. I think given a fair shake the game provides a lot more than '20% good'.

It certainly could have used some more time in the oven, and I guess reviews like this are the price to be paid for continuing to develop in the open 'post-launch'. I suppose I was expecting others to be as willing as I was to go digging for redeeming qualities because I do think it's an interesting and innovative RTS and I have high hopes for the future of the game.

He doesn't know about PiP. He doesn't know that you can click on a notification and go straight to the event. He thinks that spherical planets means you lose "half of everything" and gain nothing. Somehow he concludes that you can't turtle, but it's a glorified city builder at the same time?

Also skins does nothing for you, it's just for the looks.

This review is good in many ways, but a lot of the features that you talk about missing are on their way.

This game is a great game and people shouldn't be scared to buy this game.

"When you suggest that it's the only way to map a map without edges"

Where did I say that? Nice strawman. Way to troll your comments section.