Winter Spring 2009 off to a great start?

I was looking at gaming trend’s release list:

I’m amazed at how many potentially great games are coming out over the next few months. This is supposed to be a lull in the gaming world, though we sometimes get titles that missed a Christmas release. But the following games on that list are high on my radar. I have no idea if any of them will really release as stated on that list, but if even half do, I’ll be broke!

X-Blades (this one might not be good, but for some reason, I’m intrigued)
Dawn of War 2 (not on my list, but I know it’s on many people’s)
Dead Rising 2
Bioshock 2
The Dark Spire (DS)
Aliens : Colonial Marines
Sacred 2 (360–haven’t played the PC and am hoping this is less buggy but still good)
Dragon Age

If we count April:
Prototype (will this make April?)
Champions Online (seems unlikely)
Majesty 2 (REALLY!?)
Elemental: War of Magic (RRRREEEEAAAALLLLLYYYY???)

Ok, some of these games won’t actually release in this time frame, but these are just the games I’m pretty sure will be good. There are several that might turn out well, like Just Cause 2 or Velvet Assassin.

That’s April 2010. Although the beta is supposed to begin some time during the summer IIRC.

EDIT: Scratch that. The release date seems to be February 15, 2010 according to Impulse, so was the beta date in April 2009 then?

Dead Rising 2 is really, really doubtful, considering its existence hasn’t even been confirmed by Capcom. And Prototype I think is more of a summer release.

But yea, it looks like publishers have finally figured out the year is 12 months long, not 3.

Some others:
Killzone 2
Street Fighter IV
Dragon Quest V DS
Resident Evil 5
Trackmania DS
Grand Theft Auto: Chinatown Wars

Bioshock 2 in a month and a half from now? Really?

The first had a year’s worth of press coverage before it came out. BioShock 2 was only fairly recently confirmed to exist. I doubt that’s true.

In other news, Blood Bowl is due Q2 of this year, which I’m excited about.

Does anyone know when APB is supposed to come out? Their website says “release date TBC”, which is an acronym I don’t understand in a non WoW context.

The public beta is scheduled for June 2009 according to the Elemental website but there will be a Pre-beta sometime before that for a lucky few.

This is really one hell of an early year lineup. I’m not supposed to be scared of the money I spend on games in February.

I’m also tentatively looking forward to Halo Wars, which is due out in March, I believe. The demo will be released next week, so we’ll all know more about how it controls soon.

Empire: Total War

Absolutely no chance of either in the first half of this year - one has been confirmed for Q4 and the other, well, has not been announced (and is probably that Capcom title Blue Castle is working on).

February sees Flower, Noby Noby Boy, Sims 3 (hope that release date uncertainty was just for Europe), Godfather 2, and Puzzle Quest Galactrix.

Didn’t realize Dragon Age was so close to release. Christ I’ve got a lot of gaming to do.

inFamous maybe?

Flower is coming soon! Also I hope inFamous turns out to be good. It really seems like it could be the game that cures that Crackdown itch.

I’m glad Dead Rising 2 and Bioshock 2 aren’t actually coming out soon. I figured the latter was definitely closer to a holiday 2009 release. But I was just going by the list with my post. Still, the list is big and there are lots of great things coming out soon.

FEAR 2 will start off what I hope to be a great Spring of games. I’m just bummed that Riddick: Dark Athena isn’t due out until early April. I feel like I’ve been waiting for-ev-er on that one.

That’s because you have. It was originally announced as a PS3-exclusive that I believe was going to come out…maybe not at PS3 launch, but in the vicinity.

I’m just hoping that it’s worth the wait. A Starbreeze (or maybe Tigon) rep recently said on X-Play that the Assault on Dark Athena portion of the game is at least as long, if not longer, than the original Escape from Butcher Bay. On the order of 10 hours. So if the delay has allowed them to not only give Butcher Bay a current gen overhaul, but also significantly increase the content found in Dark Athena, I won’t complain too much I guess.

And add 360/PC versions.

I wasn’t really interested in it when it was a strait remake, but now that it basically has a whole new game in there I definately plan to pick this one up.