Wiping: Standing or Sitting

having to get your hands down there, carrying your nozzle around, doesn’t seem very hygienic either, or am I misunderstanding how that variant works?

Most modern ones got autowash devices after each uses, but I’m not fully trusting them.

I’m a stander in a world of sitters it seems. Everyone always asks me how I can do it standing but I just think the same thing for them.

I also have a hard time activating my glutes when I am doing squats. I think it’s related and relevant for you anti standing assholes.

Since this thread has already made its splash and is now starting to sink in the rankings, I have some related questions that are just as important as posture:

  1. Wiping depth: do you guys really get in there or is it more of a surface wipe?
  2. Old school wiping: what did people do before toilet paper was invented?
  3. Quantity of wipes: is there always alot or do you often find no wiping was even necessary?

Next on Qt3: What’s happening in your toilet (that’s interesting)?

I see what you did there.

  1. It doesn’t matter how deep ya go. The threat of Klingons off the starboard bow is ever present.

  2. Corn cobs. And many other options (https://www.farmersalmanac.com/what-did-people-use-before-toilet-paper-24419)

  3. High variance.

edit: I now will report to the “I’m drunk” thread. See ya there!

I’m still curious about people reaching between their legs and wiping back to front.
Isn’t it just easier to lean to one side, lift a cheek and then wipe front to back?

When my IBS was fullthrottle, the quantity of wipes was absolutely insane, as I was basically lickingleaking out nonstop. It was really impending on my social life. Getting out was an adventure on its own. Thank God in this country, WC are everywhere.

2 years ago, because I am observing some basic rules, which would probably tentamount to heresy to most human males, my bowels are fine again, but now I am residing at the opposite extreme of the spectrum: a single sheet is enough, as there are hardly ever any residue.
Saves almost as much as stopping smoking!

Oh, you were jesting?

Edit: corrected

I was wondering this too.

How do you wash the damned things? Do you use a brush?

In the models sold in the past 5 years, it’s automated and it will rinse/wash it after each uses, but I heard undocumented stories about how the stagnant water, after a long period not using it especially on models warming the water, could be potentially unhealthy.
Would love to know the truth about that.

Do what now?

I’m gonna say it. With a good enough amount of sprays there’s no point to toilet paper. There is no residue in my experience.

As for water, it is not a big deal, you dry out quickly. I rarely even use a towel when I shower (unless it’s winter) so YMMV.

Panasonic Bodygroom. I sterilize the cartridge with Marvicide. You’ll be glad you tried it.

I found this story. Not sure whether to proceed.

That was even more than I hoped/feared.

YMMV, I guess.

3 shell method ftw. No standing or sitting! ;)

That was all right, but not as cringe-inducing as the story I think @stusser posted a while back about a swimming pool…and now I cannot find it.
EDIT: Found it.

Oh God, even thinking about it makes my stomach churn.

Coming back to this most excellent thread thanks to @tomchick, a friend of mine recently told me he poops in the shower. He volunteered this information. Seriously, I am not kidding.

He poops in the shower in a half-squat, one hand braced against the shower wall, then he cleans his anus with soap and water, then when he’s done he picks up the feces and throws it in the toilet. Assuming it’s a good fibrous BM anyway, frothy chocolate milk makes it down the drain.

No waffle stomp? Sad.