The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

That sure looks like a noose coming down from the ceiling towards Trump*

*no i dont want to see him hurt, its sure funny looking tho!

It’s one of Putin’s nipple rings. Don’t ask why he’s on the ceiling.

Is that Lincoln? I wouldn’t be surprised if he had a portrait of Cosmo Cramer in the WH.

DJT reminds me of Chris Sarandon in Fright Night in that pic more than anything else.




Oh wow thank you! I had forgotten about that one!

Looks like he is ready for the

Trump has reached “Will Farrell parody level”.

What on earth is that?

I have no idea. Is it an American thing?

They’re basically sweet pickles, and they’re fucking nasty.

A to the men.

This is Trump’s attempt to showboat. “See? Because the government is shut down, we can’t host fancy dinners for White House guests! All we can do is order in some fast food. It’s a shame, but at least I was here to rescue the evening.” Never mind that he could’ve ordered in anything else, including catered food from one of his own hotels. What a dumbass.

Then there’s this hahaha
