The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

Yes, who can forget that passage in the Gettysburg Address where Lincoln berates the fake news media and calls them the opposition party.

Well if Newt said it, it has to be true.

Facts are soooo last century.

And apparently Trump doesn’t remember The Alamo.

He’s far from the first person to ever state those words.

Offered the chance to fuck people while eating a shit sandwich, Kelly said ‘yes’. Now he complains about the shit sandwich?

The whole WaPo article is great. The part about Ryan trying to brief Trump on healthcare is hilarious.

Hear hear. Dill pickles 4 Lyfe!

Thanks. What’s that from BTW?

Jeremiah Johnson, right?

EDIT: Beat me to it!

I had an inkling but I wasn’t sure. There was a TV series with the subtitle Mountain Man, I think. Different actor, of course.

Lol, I thought it was Grizzly Adams

What the hell, I thought that was Zach Galifianakis.

Hold on now. Sweet gherkins are tasty. B&B pickles are just… wrong somehow. Like a bad gherkin prototype.