The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

Speaking for the entire forum, just because I can, we can handle some snark. Cmon people.

Living in Indiana, you don’t find delicate progressive flowers too often. Rocky soil and all that.

Where is my like button?

In addition to Nazi roleplaying and looking to make Venezuela an even bigger mess, it appears these two share another common interest:

When you’re damn proud of your corruption and venality.

Maybe he thinks it’s just “good business”?

This dumbass would lie about the color of shirt he’s wearing.

My liberal superhero/columnist provides some insight as usual 👉

Is it just me or is he wandering off script more and appearing even more senile lately? Either that or hes on something, or both.

Such a bizarre thing to just blatantly lie about.

Methinks he doth etc, etc.

This is a weird instance, where it is obviously he just slipped up, and any normal person would not talk about the very minor mistake, but because he has to have some sort of facade of competence around him, he blows up over it. I feel like the Streisand effect could be re-named to the Trump effect. But maybe the Trump effect could be more focused on crimes?

Nah, the Trump Effect is clearly the Mr Burns / 3 Stooges syndrome, but for scandals.

I like this better. The Trump effect is having so many scandals going at once, nobody can keep track, and loses interest.

First we had information overload. Trump gave us scandal overload.

This from the guy who recently spoke for two hours?

He’s just trying out obvious lies, seeing which he likes best. He’s too big of an asshat to even admit a simple flub.

He can’t sleep because he’s worried about going to jail so he’s taking ambien?

You jest but that wouldn’t surprise me at all. Assuming some guilt in all of the accusations, his anxiety level has got to be quite high, and that increased pressure would likely cause some insomnia.

It gives me flashbacks of our old ambien thread here.

Didn’t Trump do the same “Tim Apple” thing with the name of an executive from Lockheed recently?