The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever


Just absolutely baffling.

He’s lost his mind, but what else is new.

I’m amazed that he’s still attacking McCain. This is a few days running now, right?
The dude’s a total loon.

McCain is our death knight and has pulled aggro. Hopefully Mueller and Pelosi can DPS down the boss before he enrages, because I don’t know how much mana Rosenstein has left.

The worst part is he has so many adds.

Trump must be the pettiest man on the planet.

Or the grabbiest.


The most amazing thing is that the President of the United States has picked a fight with a dead man. And is losing the argument.

Probably not with his base. At this point they probably consider this dancing on some liberal’s grave. They just can’t figure out how to get more graves without facing consequences.

Gross but true. :(

This is now trending news that showed up in my Twitter feed.

He’ll be complaining that none of the strippers and porn stars he paid off over the years thanked him next.

Depends, is this a PUG?

Funny that dead John McCain is standing up to Trump better than any living GOP senator.

A pathological liar like DJT probably really believes he got the act passed. Or he just doesn’t give a shit either way, which is equally likely.

He should have stuck to his regular material of attacking Gold Star families.