The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

I’d be willing to bet 90% of them are troll accounts.

Republicans should still be ashamed.

Did you read them? They truly do not sound like any trolling to me. They sound exactly like the Repubs I know. Any time you do something that doesn’t suck trump off, they flip out that that individual is a traitor and should die in a fire. Then they like the politician/mediaite again when they get back to worshiping trump

Repubs we know have been molded by the trolls and other rightwing propaganda.

He cheated on them on purpose. No mistake involved.

I can only imagine every marine looks forward to retiring someday and being able to caddy for the President while kissing his ass incessantly. Also, being blamed for idiocy.

I heard about that and my first thought was, “Dude! Stop digging!”

Which is great and all, except his name starts with Butt and Trump will get a lot of mileage out of a nickname with his base.

But his base would never have voted for him anyways.

Right? Like any Trump supporter was going to seriously give a gay Democrat a serious listen.

More the “Democrat” part than the “Gay” part. I bet if Milo Yiannopoulos ran for President as a Republican he’d get a following.

Only ironically, as a way to trigger the Libs.

He should just die and not invite McCain to his own funeral to get even.

This seems like a pretty weird thing to mention. Did I miss something between Google and the Chinese military?

Google is building a large campus in Taiwan, I think, just announced.

He may also be thinking of project Dragonfly.