The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

I post a law review article written by two Harvard law professors one of whom is a woman. Your response: I’m an MRA. Harsanyi was right. Liberals are Done Debating.

I would suggest that you aren’t arguing from a position of conservatism at this point, but rather partisanship. I fear that you may have asked this to cause you to accept things which you would have found abhorrent recently.

Did you read the article? Can you see how utterly appalling what it discusses is to me or anyone that thinks that sex should not be in the purview of federal regulation? I would suggest that you are the one arguing out of partisanship. I don’t expect anyone to be on my side, or represent my views. I just want to limit the damage, and I am more than willing to try the devil I don’t know over the one I do.

No, no one’s going to read an entire 68 page article that you post without any hint of what it’s about. From brief skimming it seems you’re upset that schools are reporting sexual assault. Or that people aren’t allowed to fondle women in a dance floor setting. Or something. And there’s a lot about “ordinary sex”. The whole thing is bizarre.

Sure, the article I feel talks about a misapplication of federal authority, but it’s of trivial consequence compared to the stuff we are seeing with Trump.

I mean, you suggested I’m speaking out of partisanship… What partisanship could that possibly be? Given I’ve always been a registered Republican.

The devil you don’t know… Is totally known to you. It’s not like Trump is some unknowable mystery. You know exactly who he is.

He’s an adulterer, a narcissist. He’s seemingly insane in his inability to simply behave like a normal, rational adult. I mean, consider, honestly, what you would say if Obama said or did the things we’ve already witnessed Trump say and do.

He’s proposed rounding up millions of people. Of stripping citizens of their citizenship if they burn a flag. God, the list of abhorrent things he’s said this far is a mile long, and it’s tedious to bother going through then all again. You know them. You are just pretending they didn’t happen. Or that they don’t matter.

But you know they matter. That his seemingly gross incompetence in the realm of international policy is incredibly dangerous to our country. I simply find it impossible to believe that you are willing to suddenly accept things that, of they were don’t by Democrats you would reject entirely (and rightfully so). You’re selling your soul, man, and you know you are going to regret it.

Timex, I know others have said similar things but your viewpoint and posts give me hope for the country that more Republicans will put country before party during this presidency. This is going to be a really terrifying year so any bright spots are appreciated.

Out of curiosity, Timex, so you still self-identify as a Republican?


I agree, I don’t think it is good to post a link to long paper, without summarizing in a few paragraph isn’t very helpful.
i looked for a summary of the article, and not finding one easily gave up reading.

That said what @forgesaken did shouldn’t be tolerated and I think Matathor has every right to bitch about it. He made an ad-homenien attack without any pretense of debate or discussion. I find it virtually impossible to believe Forge actually took the time to read the article but wouldn’t take 5 minutes to at least summarize what he disagreed with. When the rare conservative drops into P&R and does this kinda of crap, people rightly call him out, but when liberal
does it nobody says a word.

I wonder which Tom likes less…a feral or a Trump?


Oh I read the first few pages before skimming the rest, but the 5 minute summary you are asking for on how I came to my pithy assessment you find offensive.

I can name hundreds in my state due to a lack of expansion of Medicaid.

And seriously, I think it is time for Timex to admit he’s a blue dog Democrat now. ^_^

It’s hard to say. My instinct is that, no, I do not. I don’t identify as a Democrat either though, and I feel as though I don’t really want to yield the party to the monsters in charge right now.

As many anticipated, Crowley’s PhD.d dissertation also yields examples of misattribution and plagiarism. Though none from podiatrist’s websites this time.

The big problem I’m having with Trump at this point, aside from his general monstrosity, is that they simply handwave away any and all criticism as being politically motivated.

They don’t even bother denying any allegations. They simply say, “these are just poltically motivated attacks!” and then move on.

No kidding. It’s disgusting.

GOP - “It’s OK to plagiarize!”. This is no surprise, given their mission to destroy education in this country. Teachers have a hard enough time trying to instill educational values in their students. How do you reprimand a kid for plagiarism when the President is cool with it?

Earth 2 Trump is actually presidential:

That account is horribly depressing.

It’s the Office Space “Why should I have to change my name? He’s the one that sucks.” problem.