The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

Wow, that’s odd. The Post usually wouldn’t want to allude to an embarrassment for Trump.

Fox also defended CNN today after that little exchange. New territory for sure.

They may have realized where things could be headed. All critical reporting will be ignored and denied credentials and Breitbart will be Trump’s Pravda, not them.

It doesn’t count though because it was Shepard Smith who commented on it and he exists solely to represent the fair and balanced of the Fox News motto. What the big talking heads like O’Reilly and that mouth breather Hannity says is what counts the most and they’re not going to turn on their homeboy until the power brokers want to change the narrative because they lost control of Trump.

I noticed something disturbing reading about the presser.

From an article I read it said: "A few minutes later, Trump turned to Matt Boyle of, who proceeded to ask Trump about “all the problems that we’ve seen throughout the media over the course of the election” and “what reforms do you recommend for this industry here?”

One of Breitbart’s founders is Steve Bannon, Trump’s chief strategist. Apparently, he was the only reporter that had a seat assigned. Everyone else had to find their own so he was planted to ask that question. They want to “reform” the free press of this nation. Also. here’s Boyle standing behind Trump at a rally a month ago.

Um, unless I’m mistaken, is that not Breitbart’s Matt Boyle standing behind Trump and clapping last night?

— Philip Bump (@pbump) December 16, 2016

There’s some kind of plan under way.


She’s just abominable. Disgusting how blatantly she lies.

Kellyanne Conway should get Al Pacino’s role in the remake of The Devil’s Advocate.

It feels weird defending Trump after that performance but did you hear his response? He said he didn’t want to reform anything (despite having previously talked about loosening libel laws), just that individuals should do better. Could be a smokescreen, sure, but why plant a question then?

[quote]Well, I don’t recommend reforms. I recommend people that are – that have some moral compass.

You know, I’ve been hearing more and more about a thing called fake news and they’re talking about people that go and say all sorts of things. But I will tell you, some of the media outlets that I deal with are fake news more so than anybody. I could name them, but I won’t bother, but you have a few sitting right in front of us. So they’re very, very dishonest people, but I think it’s just something we’re going to have to live with.

I guess the advantage I have is that I can speak back. When it happens to somebody that doesn’t have this – doesn’t have that kind of a megaphone, they can’t speak back. It’s a very sad thing. I’ve seen people destroyed. I’ve seen people absolutely destroyed. And I think it’s very unfair. So, all I can ask for is honest reporters.[/quote]

I have to give KellyAnn grudging respect. She is terrific at her job.
If Hitler had KellyAnn instead of Goebbels, Man in the High Castle would be fact not fiction.

This is a great example of a Trump statement that if it were by someone I trusted, I would totally agree with, and assume he was referencing sites like Breitbart when he talked about fake news sites with no moral compass. But of course it’s Trump, so it’s opposite world, and he was actually talking about CNN.

This is a pretty good recap of what happened at the press conference…

She’s not though. People just eat her ridiculous shit up. She only looks good because the rabid Trump fanatics believe every insane thing she says.

Trump is flat out doing ads in his tweets now:

But remember, the President cannot have a conflict of interest. (This space for rent, call now!)

Boycotting any company associated with Trump is a good start you know. Even if they didnt want his approval. If their customer base is majority liberal they need to start publicly rejecting his endorsements.

She really isn’t. She’s just shameless and blonde. Most of the time her response might as well be “look at the shiny keys! They rattle when I shake them! Yes, ignore the other thing you were saying, it’s all lies anyway.”

Yeah, no kidding. I’ve watched her speak about three times, which is all my stomach can handle, and she hits the same note every time. How accomplished is a musician who just bangs away at a cowbell every time the conductor points at her?

Now, when I see her, I turn away from the screen with something akin to an emotional gag reflex.

This also applies to Trump.

She’s only good at what she does because

a) the American public is fucking stupid and gullible
b) the media is, by and large, craven cowards who kowtow to the powers that be with barely a hint of credulity
c) Americans are really fucking stupid and lazy

These points may be related.

The media reports things like, “Cooper and Conway clash over report”, when they should report, “Kellyanne Conway lies repeatedly about coverage of report.”