The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

You just know Rowena is the next nominee to step forward.

I’m not seeing any obviously currency related cases here, and I know that China doesn’t meet the US government’s own definition of currency manipulator. But, sure, the renmimbi isn’t a free floating currency and China has a lot of dodgy trade practices. My point wasn’t about China cheating though, it was about him threatening tariffs against countries he hadn’t accused of cheating.

Lol. That might be the Trump-est tweet ever. “I assume that it’s going to be a fake news hit piece from failing CNN, but what am I going to do, not promote myself? Like that’s even possible.”

It’s a way of pressuring to get positive coverage. If he hates it he’ll tweet out the name of the reporter and they’ll have a wonderful time on social media for the new few days.

Note: Trump’s wall of text there has only two “sentences”.

For the last year or so they (China) have been manipulating to make the currency stronger than it would otherwise be. Their main concern today is a crash in the value of the Yuan. If they meet Trump’s demand to stop manipulation - the currency will depreciate!

Most of Trump’s rhetoric on China is applicable in the mid-2000s, kind of like his Japan rhetoric for the mid-1980s.

And this is why Obama’s farewell address was so captivating to me. We are going from someone who is such an amazing orator to someone who makes George Bush Jr look like a verbal ninja.

But so many people voted for him because he “thinks like us and says what is on our minds, what we would say”.
So, essentially, incoherent garbage?

He’ll sue. For an abstract concept that he’s taking credit for.
Yeah, this is fine, he totally gets the Constitution and freedom.

Also, what to do at 3am? I know, I’ll go after a completely random author and threaten to sue him! AMERICA.

Unless he deleted the tweets, Trump never tweeted about this guy.

This sounds crazy but … has anyone actually seen him tweeting?

That doesn’t look like Twitter font.

Hell, he might be making it up. I’m no internet detective, just saw it going around.

My bad?

I mean… it’s not remotely as crazy as half the shit he says on a daily basis and I don’t follow Trump’s Twitter anymore since I know what a hard-on numbers give him.

It definitely looks like a fake, designed to get some publicity and book sales. But at what cost? There’s enough fake shit going around.

True that. I blame Steve Blum.
Damn it, Spike.

There’s really more like 14 sentences, the transcriber just didn’t really know what to do with Trump’s stream-of-consciousness cadence and self-interrupting. I think reporters are intentionally not trying to clean it up at all so that he can’t say they changed his words, but ordinarily they might do things like put the implied end of a phrase in square brackets, use a hyphen to show that he cut himself off mid-phrase, etc.

It’s still repetitive, a bit confusing, and a very long walk from the actual question with a sudden jerk back to the answer of, basically, “I don’t believe in heroes, but if I have to pick one, my dad is my hero.” It does have sentences and complete thoughts, they are just strung end-to-end in a way that wanders aimlessly instead of trying to support a logical response to the question.

His answer was:

  1. Uh, my dad.
  2. I’m my own hero.

more like “2. My dad said I would be awesome, but I am way better than that.”