The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

Fake president? Has a nice ring to it.

Exactly. I tried putting an insert Godwin reference here tag in the post, but apparently if you surround something with the brackets that isn’t an actual command Discourse just deletes it. Or maybe Discourse is pre-programmed to delete Godwinning? ;-)

You know who else was programmed to delete godwinning?


A joke I heard today:

A little kid meets Trump and tells him, “When I grow up, I’m going to be the first Mexican-American President!”

Trump angrily responds, “Are you out of your mind, or are you an idiot?!?”

The little kid replies, “Never mind, I guess I don’t meet the requirements.”

And by abundantly clear we mean he off-handedly said something a while back about something else.
And then purposely omitted mentioning Jews when talking about the Holocaust.

I’d be harsher. By abundantly clear we mean, bragged about his electoral victory when asked about the anti-Semitism of his supporters. “Yeah we had them backing us and kind of encouraged it with dog whistles… but it worked as you can see by our electoral victory so I sure as hell aren’t going to stop now.”

He hasn’t made it abundantly clear but isn’t it a good thing that there is at least an official communication Ex Cathedra Presidentis that such things are bad?

Is that like when he made it abundantly clear that his followers should exercise the right to bear arms against his political opponent?

Literally the only thing he made abundantly clear is that he does not want to discuss anti-Semitism at all, and that he finds it insulting to be asked about it, and then made the question about himself (again) and (lies about) his margin of fictory.

He never actually denounced the attacks in any way - not specifically, not broadly.

By abundantly clear, he means he told the Jewish reporter to sit down and be quiet with his insulting question about the rise in antisemitism.

I mean, I guess I knew this would happen.


Edit: be sure to watch to the end…


That dude missed a calling as an 80s-90s professional wrestler.

Or a 1980s appliance retailer.

The alcohol must be what keeps him looking so vibrantly young at 43.

Or this stuff.

“He is so overconfident and yet so logically unconvincing that my interpreter friends and I often joke that if we translated his words as they are, we would end up making ourselves sound stupid."

In fact, it is no secret that “Trumpese” — as his phraseology is called — is by and large simple, characterized by repetition, easy grammar and elementary-level vocabulary.

A “readability analysis” of presidential campaign speeches by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University’s Language Technologies Institute (LTI) revealed last March that Trump’s lexical richness was the lowest — at seventh-grade level — of his rival candidates and past U.S. presidents.

The study also described his grammatical level as grade 5.7, the second-worst after George W. Bush, who barely topped the fifth-grade level.