The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

Powerful 90 seconds clip. I love Trump’s facial expression during it. Does he understand he is getting dissed?

Guys it’s ok! The President is not personally responsible for anything he watches on TV!

Mr. Trump made clear that he felt the White House had nothing to retract or apologize for. He said his spokesman was simply repeating an assertion made by a Fox News commentator.

“We said nothing,” Mr. Trump told a German reporter who asked about the matter at a joint White House news conference with Chancellor Angela Merkel. “All we did was quote a certain very talented legal mind who was the one responsible for saying that on television. I didn’t make an opinion on it.” He added: “You shouldn’t be talking to me. You should be talking to Fox."

Shocked? Because they themselves are spineless bastards that refuse to call him out? Maybe we can hire some of Germany’s free press for our use.

And just like that Fox was thrown under the bus.

They’ll still lick his nut sack though, don’t worry.

Fox says what?

I know this is not an original thought, but what a shitshow…just never even pauses…

Trump is Joe Beergut. He watches Fox News and it tells him everything he needs to know about the state of the world. I’m surprised he doesn’t quote the Onion, but the Onion is a bit too clever for him.

I think if we had randomly select a US citizen and made that person president, he or she would take the job more seriously than Trump. He’s appalling. He’s worse than I imagined he could be.

Hah, joke’s on you, because they DID quote a satirical piece today, without realizing that it was satire.

What history will make of the time America voted a gurning buffoon into the White House it remains to be seen.

Our gurning buffoon only made Foreign Secretary.

Shocked face :|

Reading about the stupid Trump handshake thing, I was reading a bit about Merkel. She has a freaking PHD in physical chemistry. Leader of the free world - no joke.

In the latest incident, Secretary of State Rex Tillerson invited Fox News to cover his meeting at the Korean Demilitarized Zone, on the North-South Korea border, but denied access to the press pool that provides all media outlets with an account of the secretary’s activities.

“Fox unilateral network team was allowed into this meeting – pool asked for access and was blocked,” wrote CNN’s Pamela Boykoff, the author of Friday’s pool report. “Local embassy official told the pool it was ‘the Secretary’s decision.’”

Tillerson was already being criticized for refusing to allow pool reporters to accompany him on his plane during the trip, which had been a standard practice for his predecessors at the State Department. Tillerson did allow a reporter from the conservative Independent Journal Review to accompany him, but not as a pool reporter.

That reporter, Erin McPike, has not filed any stories from the trip so far – a source of consternation among other members of the media. A spokesman for IJR said McPike was with Tillerson to write a profile piece, not to write spot news stories about the trip.

“There was absolutely no agreement with State” to forgo daily writing or reporting, McPike told CNNMoney. “I am also not the pool reporter. I’m doing a longer piece.” McPike also said she prizes objectivity and fairness: “I completely reject the state-run media charge” leveled by some observers.

Certainly not a typical politician. If you have the time, this article is rather insightful:

I have a serious man crush on Shep Smith.


She also helped instigate an unprecedented flood of migrants to Europe; so there’s that.