The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

That’s just, like, your opinion, man.

Such a good movie.

They believe in the theory of gravity that everyone learns as a baby: things fall down. Newtonian gravity requires you to change that intuition that you developed in early childhood. Heck, Newtonian mechanics is the same. I had to go through a lot of thought experiments to convince myself that it made sense that kinetic energy was proportional to the square of velocity. It just seemed obvious that something going twice as fast had twice as much energy. That’s not even touching on quantum weirdness.

So I guess flat-earthers would be people who were unwilling to revise their initial gut-level view of the world and generally paranoid about authorities. Also addicted to the “we elite few who know the REAL truth of the world” sentiment.

So, do flat earthers think that we’ve just never gotten around to going over to the edge of the earth? Like, no one bothered?

Cause you’d think there would be pictures of that.

Hey maybe we could revisit and fund an expedition to the center of the earth!

His best efforts were very good, because he had the support of a rich person. James McBride had made a fortune as a surveyor, and he was ready to spend it on any project he saw fit to endorse. While he did some good work in archaeology, he was also taken by Symmes’ vision of a hollow earth. McBride took Symmes off the lecture circuit and to Washington. The two lobbied Congress for years, trying to get funding for an expedition to the center of the Earth. Congress said no.

John Quincy Adams said yes. Adams was president as the result of a decision of the House of Representatives, after an election in 1824 that gave no single candidate a needed majority. Although Andrew Jackson had more votes, he was too divisive.

I’ll just say that I once spoke with a “flat-earther” about this belief.

No, he doesn’t think the Earth is actually flat. Rather, it’s more of a mantra to put faith in that which you can see, touch, feel, and personally experience. When you feel like you’re missing something, use that to motivate you to go out and experience more. Need to understand the science more so you can accept it? Get training in science. Need to recognize that vaccines are good? Get training in medicine.

I kind of appreciated the approach, but it’s still dumb and sounds like something a couple people came up with in a … um … "“smoky” dorm room. I said as much, and he laughed with a nod.

Just when I think the United States couldn’t possibly get any more ignorant, I discover Flat Earth is a thing and this crazy lady teaching her children garbage…and she’s voting, and so will they. FFS America!

For some, Flat Earth is a game to find quirky answers to refute facts; they aren’t the true believers. The small group of true believers are the poster children for Willful Ignorance. Some are crazies that believe every fact is actually a conspiracy; “the sky is blue because the government is releasing Windex from airplanes” kinds of conspiracy. Some are models of the echo-chamber philosophy, latching on to a dumb idea and finding people who share that same idea, not trusting anyone or anything outside of that chamber. Some want something to hold on to that sets them apart from the “sheeple”.

Really though, the vast majority don’t actually believe the Earth is flat. They are trolling and playing games. The more people engage with them, the larger the group of trolls grows. It’s a study of the core problems of the internet age.

With the Dow potentially hitting the longest losing streak since 1978 I was going to post something about looking forward to the WH pulling back on their claims that the market contradicted polls about 45s approval rating…but I see they started doing that a week ago.

Maybe Earth is flat and it’s just spacetime that is curved. 🤔

Have you ever really looked at your hand? I mean, really looked at it.



Sorry - sitting presidents can be sued:

Deferral of this litigation until petitioner’s Presidency ends is not constitutionally required.

Still the best Spiderman.

I dunno about that, but definitely the best J Jonah.


The is totally off topic, but I had a supremely wacky idea the other day where Venom would take J^3 as a host, but nothing else would change. He’d still run the daily bugle and everything else would be identical, except he’d occasionally eat a reporter for no particular reason. And there’d be a laugh track. I think I need help.