The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

Expecting the Saudis to swear allegiance to the ISIS caliph in 3… 2… 1…

The source added that McMaster’s task – being an honest broker of various national security options for the President – is further complicated by fears on the National Security Council that Trump can be reckless with sensitive information.

“You can’t say what not to say,” the source said of Trump, “because that will then be one of the first things he’ll say.”

He’s like an evil Michael from the office.

Mr. president, you must not say, “I know you are, but what am I?”

Maybe just a little awkward. Also the idea of Donnie wielding “daddy’s money” as a cudgel is just… I give up.

The other day I found myself thinking, quite seriously, “Who would I rather have as POTUS - Trump or Michael Scott?”

Michael Scott won easily.

Oh God, no comparison. Both dumb, but one’s nice.

A tougher call would be Trump or David Brent. Even Brent, though not as compassionate as Scott, has a tiny little heart buried in there somewhere.


This is something kids often do, showing their parents or teachers how they’ve learned a lesson. And yet somehow my daughters do it in a more mature, adult-like manner. Our President everyone!

I am hoping soon even Trump supporters will start saying. “It is not our fault we were hacked by the Russians”

… and it happened on Obama’s watch.

The analogy is pervasive among his critics: Donald Trump is like a child. Making him the president was like making a 4-year-old the leader of the free world.

But the analogy is profoundly wrong, and it’s unfair to children. The scientific developmental research of the past 30 years shows that Mr. Trump is utterly unlike a 4-year-old.

Four-year-olds care deeply about the truth. They constantly try to seek out information and to figure out how the world works. Of course, 4-year-olds, as well as adults, occasionally lie. But Mr. Trump doesn’t just lie; he seems not even to care whether his statements are true.

Four-year-olds are insatiably curious. One study found that the average preschooler asks hundreds of questions per day. Just watch a toddler “getting into everything” — endangering his own safety to investigate interesting new objects like knives and toasters. Mr. Trump refuses to read and is bored by anything that doesn’t involve him personally.

Four-year-olds can pay attention. They do have difficulty changing the focus of their attention in response to arbitrary commands. But recent studies show that even babies systematically direct their focus to the events and objects that will teach them the most. They pay special attention to events that contradict what they already believe. Mr. Trump refuses to pay attention to anything that clashes with his preconceptions.

From the article:

"“Every day he looks more and more like a complete moron,” said one senior administration official who also worked on Trump’s campaign. “I can’t see Trump resigning or even being impeached, but at this point I wish he’d grow a brain and be the man that he sold himself as on the campaign.”

I don’t see how anyone could possibly think he hasn’t been the man he sold himself as. Literally nothing, nothing at all that he’s done or said has really surprised me.

“Grab 'em by the balls. You’re famous - they just let you.”