The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

Of course, of course. Still, it’s encouraging. At this point I consider the signaling to constituents and colleagues aspect as being potentially valuable. We’ll see.

I suspect there are a lot of R’s would would like to see Trump gone, though they probably would prefer he resign. It’s just that the first person to step forward and say it is going to be eviscerated.

“Country First!”

Say what?

Is that a real tweet saying Pancho Villa was a “Radical Islamic Terrorist”?

Well, he was brown.

Also, Pershing invaded Mexico.

So we should have built a fence in 1900?

Screenshot I just took:

Well, he did it to follow Mexican Terrorists who had already invaded America.

Okay. I have obviously missed a great piece of fake news. Can someone enlighten me as to what they are referring to here?


Edit: And it’s the second time he’s invoked that myth.

I had no idea either.

From the Snopes Article:

During a campaign rally in South Carolina, [Donald] Trump told his audience a story about General John Pershing executing Muslim prisoners in the Philippines. Trump said Pershing, in the early 1900’s, “caught 50 terrorists that did tremendous damage and killed many people and he took the 50 terrorists and he took 50 men and he dipped 50 bullets in pig’s blood.”

Trump went out to describe a mass execution shooting of 49 of the prisoners, with the last one being sent to tell the others what happened. It was Trump using this “story” to demonstrate that America needed to get tough on terrorism, using brutal methods, and that he would be the man to do it.

But the story is not true. There was no mass execution led by Pershing. That is a rumor created on the Internet.

What the hell Trump?

I lol’ed. SAD.

So this is his plan with Guantanamo?

The best part about this is even if Bannon was telling the truth with his latest excuse about his “interview” being strategic to draw attention away from Trump, Trump just can’t stand that and has to grab it right back.

Wait till Trump learns about Amherst, or Wounded Knee…