The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

What in the serious fuck is wrong with Trump? This question goes double for his supporters.

Seriously. This fucktard is posting a fake war crime as something positive. Let that sink in for a minute.

He wouldn’t know a war crime from a McDonald’s Happy Meal.

This is a guy who started a blog specifically to support Trump, and now he is done with him.

Who knows… maybe the tide is beginning to shift.

Oh, man. Hilarious and depressing.

It’s a bot that WaPo created to scour Trump’s feed and replicate it. You can now look at what he gets sent to him.

The Trump regretters are awesome and all, but it’s too late for that shit. He’s President, and will be for 3.5 more years, because at this point, with all that has happened in the past 6 months, if the Republicans aren’t moving to impeach him right now, they never fucking will.

This was all there, plain as day, for everyone to see on the campaign trail, and yet they voted for him anyway because SCOTUS, because JOBS, because KILLARY, because GUNS, because IGNORANCE.

I know I have been advocating for reconciliation with these folks, for trying to get the GOP voters interested in a swing back towards more moderate candidates and real discourse and solutions…but after this week…FUCK EM ALL.

Read the comments (at least the Readers’ Picks) on the NY Times piece. They’re pretty much all saying the exact same thing.

When Conservative Republican senators from Tennessee and South Carolina are calling you out for being tone-deaf on racism…you might be A HUGE FUCKING RACIST.

Yes. I couldn’t abide Trumpgretters in January and I still can’t.

No presidential campaign in history has ever more transparently telegraphed the personality of its candidate.

I don’t understand people who are surprised at how bad it is. I’m surprised it’s not worse.

Re: Corker. Those are some carefully chosen words. I would summarize as, “I’m not gonna actually mention the 25th Amendment. But I’m thinking about it, and I know you are too.”

No shit. The dude in the Times said he hoped the attacks on the judge and the bereaved soldier’s dad were gaffes. A gaffe is one-time thing. Trump tripled-down over and over again on his attacks.

Honestly though, even though I said it would be this bad, I did not fully grasp what that even meant.

At no point would I have predicted… THIS. Where literally EVERY DAY is some huge scandal or embarassment. Seriously, it’s fucking terrible every day.

I figured he’d be, you know, a normal human being who would periodically do terrible things.

I did not imagine that it’d be shitbonerz 24/7. But that’s what it is. Shitbonerz 24/7.

Me too. I knew he’d be an awful President, and I assumed he’d seriously screw things up for the country, and appoint awful people to government positions, but this is nuts. This is so much worse than anything I seriously considered.

We’re at the point that advocating executing enemies and dipping them in pig’s blood is okay.

This is pretty much how I expected it to go.

I read the Times article and the whole time I was thinking “this writer is an intelligent guy, how is it that he didn’t understand that he was projecting his own desires onto Trump the entire time?”. Also, his ridiculous insistence that it was because he “saw the direction our economy was heading in”, oh, you mean UP? In 2008, Obama took over an economy in the toilet, in 2016 it had nearly fully recovered, unless you were a rural factory worker or coal miner whose job was never coming back no matter who was at the helm. Then his whole “Flight 93 Election” hot take…give me a fucking break. The country was hurtling towards disaster, so Trump voters felt they had no choice but to elect someone who could destroy the whole thing or possibly save it, rather than let it continue on the same path. What the actual fuck?

Nope, FUCK THAT GUY, that same as all the other Trump voters and apologists. They want to jump ship and bandwagon on our team now that the truth is out? NO SIR…they need to earn it. Go vote some Democrats or Independents into power in 2018…then come talk to me.

It’s the horrible we expected combined with the daffy we never saw coming.

And it seems to be getting worse with age and the stress of him trying so hard not to hear or accept everyone criticizing him constantly.

Him flailing around and being awful is better than what I feared, which was a more systematic dismantling of democratic systems and a more supine federal court system. I was greatly encouraged by the blocking of the travel ban.

What has really scared me so far is a) the environmental stuff (gutting EPA and abandoning Paris literally because it’s something Obama supported) and b) rage-tweeting at North Korea. Those two things could get lots of people killed, now or in a hundred years.

Most of the other dumpster fire stuff seems less ominous to me, even these racist mofos who are quickly realizing they’re a lot less respectable now than they would have been in the (19)60s.

Agreed; this was my greatest fear, as well. Instead, we get someone who is by all appearances an absolutely horrid human being, but also with tiny hands which seem to be fairly ineffective at wreaking major havoc in most circumstances.

The resiliency of the government thus far has given me a little hope; yes, damage has been done, but nothing is destroyed beyond hope … yet. Of course, individuals who depend more heavily upon this government bear the brunt of the damage immediately. We can only look to repair the mess in the future and at least try to make them whole.

And I think that’s slandering shitbonerz.

Other than a Supreme Court justice, a gutted State Department, destruction of norms, etc. Just because there’s been no major legislation doesn’t mean there hasn’t been damage that may take decades to repair, if it even can be repaired.

Compared to my worst fears? That’s nothing.