The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

That can’t be real, can it?

$10/hr. My soul is worth more than that.

“Food is the first thing, morals follow on” – Bertolt Brecht

I mean, Trump brought a claque to applaud at his CIA speech right after the inauguration.

(digs a bit)

Oh hey, and Trump paid actors to pad the crowds at his campaign announcement in 2015. (Well, technically he paid a consulting firm, which paid the actors.)

Trump constantly accuses others of paying for protestors.

Trump always accuses others of doing what he does.

He brought people to the CIA to cheer for him. You think he’d be above it for something else?

This is 100% true. He accused Melania of pissing on the toilet seat last week on Twitter, before quickly deleting it.

On the ads for minorities, I can’t imagine they’d be stupid enough to place an obvious ad like that. Seems more like someone trying to cause trouble. I mean think about it, is the President of the United States really stupid enough to do something lik…err, nevermind.

Trump has already blown the budget for the Secret Service for the entire year.

Now he and the Service have to go to Congress with their hats in their hands, asking for more money.

If Congress is smart, they’ll hold his feet to the fire on this. Not because they want good government - they’ve made it clear they don’t care - but because they can use this as leverage to get Trump to support their agenda.

Trump doesn’t give a crap about heath care or tax reform or the solvency of the government. But he does care deeply about funneling taxpayer money into his own pocket, and the Secret Service is a vital part of his scam to do that. Plus he’s not exactly the most popular person right now.

I don’t think it would work. Trump has talked about hiring his own security service anyhow, so if Congress blocks additional money, I suspect that’s exactly what he’ll do.

I suppose a private security service would not be authorized to enter government property, so he could only use them for Mar a Lago and similar locations, which may be the point anyway. But I think it would be so grossly improper that it would lose him even more support.

I think he’s at rock-bottom right now. Once he basically seig-heiled on national TV, anyone who still supports him isn’t going to stop for any reason, certainly not for something as petty as breaking the law or financial impropriety. And he still has, like, what 36% approval? Which is so depressing I can’t even think about it.

He’ll try to do it. But it won’t work. The people he’ll hire will never get the security clearances, because everyone Trump knows is incompetent or a traitor or both.

On the plus side, denying Trump the ability to go golfing is probably the best way to make him resign.

To date, Fox News has been solidly behind him. If Breitbart starts to go on an attack and/or Fox News stops giving him unequivocal support, part of his base might start to be exposed to a different opinion of some of his activities and that could further erode his base.

Yeah. There are incremental effects on large numbers of people in terms of support and belief. You’d think that anyone who supports Trump now would support him forever, considering. But really any new stupid thing he does could be someone’s final straw. Especially for people who have been suckling the Fox glass teat when something is so egregious that even they have to report it negatively.

I’ll take that bet. Here’s what happens: Mueller comes out with an indictment of money laundering. The evidence is overwhelming, the case is basically rock-solid. Congress and the FBI refuse to do anything about it (NY AG might do something, but nothing will happen until after 2020). Breitbart goes on the attack, but not against Trump. At best he goes after Kelly or Kushner, but more likely Mueller and Trump’s enemies. Fox maybe moderates their support, but that doesn’t matter, they just lose viewers to Trump TV/Brietbart TV.

Trump serves out his term at 36% support. He chooses not to run again, and it’s Pence in 2020, who wins due to massive voter suppression, and also serves out his term without ever going over 50% approval.

Geez, lucky this isn’t the optimism thread.

I just can’t see Trump lasting a full term… we’re less than a year in and this is a joke.

There was a NY Times article a little while ago about how this was what a failed administration looks like. The view - that I agree with entirely - is that it’s hard to see how the Trump administration continues. But by the same token, it’s hard to see how it possibly ends.