The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

This is horrifying.

That looks like a cross between Oz’s antechamber and the Upside Down.

I would assume that a relationship with Trump would lead one to favor the dark and macabre.

Let’s be fair here, every sentence that starts with “Sarah Huckabee Sanders just said” could and should just end with “[the most ludicrous, horrifying, democracy-eroding bullshit imaginable]” and we could save ourselves a lot of time and anguish.

He has zero understanding of what those men did and how important they were. They are all just cigar-store Indians to him. And the Jackson portrait is like giving a Martin Luther King, Jr. Day speech under a portrait of Jefferson Davis.

Well, to be fair, a lot of the ex-presidents whose portraits hang in the White House have pretty shitty records when it comes to U.S.-Native relations, if not as extravagantly so as Jackson. Thomas “I just bought a bajillion square miles of land that was neither mine to buy nor France’s to sell” Jefferson comes to mind, for starters.

Yes, but this is a picture of Jackson which Trump had hung in the Oval Office. It replaced a picture of the Statue of Liberty.


I just played through The Evil Within 2. That is one blood smear on the floor away from being a screenshot, and I’m sure Jr will provide that once nighttime rolls around.

If you ended the sentence with …“black is white, night is day, up is down”, I wouldn’t be in any way surprised.

…and it would even match the creepy Christmas picture!

Are we at the stage where we wish Spicer was back? I have this terrible feeling that the reason why he was so bad at his job was because he was not really comfortable with what he had to say, while Sarah has absolutely no issues spewing whatever lies need to told.

I kind of think that too. He knew what he had to say was a bunch of shit but it was his job so he did it, like the vast majority of us do. Still, he had enough of a conscience that you could see he was uncomfortable having to repeat the lies.

Huckabee-Sanders is all in on the lies and is angry before she even takes a question. It’s not about the truth. The real truth is Team Trump! All the complaints are lies.

Or, to put it another way, I’d sit down and have a beer with Spicer and expect to disagree but enjoy doing so. I’d walk away from Huckabee-Sanders.

When Sean first started there was so much contempt for him. He is a good reminder that, yes, things can get worse. I guess I’d have a beer with him too; I’m sure there’s so much more that transpired behind the scenes that it would be a fascinating conversation. One of my friends who knows him swears he’s actually a pretty nice guy.

Sarah “Fuck the truth” Sanders is the voice of the Trump Whitehouse. This alone should be a reason to remove Trump and all of his spawn from the presidency. She is an actual, evil spawn of chaos. The more she talks, the closer her eyes get together. Can we burn her when she becomes a cyclops?

Fuck that dumpy, fake eyelashes, no chin, scowling, evil muppet.

She disparaged Senator Warren today. Get out!

Where have I seen that before? Oh, yes…