The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

I’d be perfectly happy to refer to Trump as President Left Shark from now on.

Are we SURE that didn’t come from Pixelated Boat?


I am both disgusted and fascinated.

I say we pool our resources and purchase Game Show Network, re-launch it as Gorilla Shark Network and just run documentaries about gorillas and sharks with small 5-minute bursts of political commentary in between each episode. We could supplant Fox and Friends as the network with the most Presidential influence. If we craft our segments just right, think of all the things we could make Donnie do and say! We could drive the GOP nuts!

We are doomed

You meant documentaries about sharks eating gorillas, right?

What is he trying to say? I just don’t get it.

He said ‘born’ instead of ‘abort’. Making a big deal (or any deal really) out minor mistakes like this is so fucking harmful to drawing attention to real problems. It pisses me off to no end.

Wait. So he thinks that 9th month abortions are real? What an ignorant fuckwad.

Well, he’s also spewing bullshit about late-term abortions.

Late term abortions are a thing which basically NEVER HAPPENS in the US, and yet are virtually the only talking point for Pro-Lifers.

They are not protected under Roe v. Wade, and are literally illegal in most states.

He’s a clownish churl. I will never skip an opportunity to mock him.

All the Pro-Life people think 9th-month abortions are a real thing. Not only that, but they think Planned Parenthood takes aborted babies (from any month) and lays them out on a table right then and there, hacks them up into doll-like pieces, and then sells the pieces to the highest corporate bidders. They also believe that the government subsidizes all of this with our tax dollars while turning a blind eye to the fact that cosmetics companies buy baby parts to make into beauty products. They firmly believe that this all happens millions of times per year here in the U.S. alone.

How can they believe all of this? Because at least 30% of America is stone fucking stupid, that’s how, and they got to elect one of their own President.

Again you have hit on the central point. This is why we’re in the mess we’re in and why impeaching Trump will not save us.

Does anybody have an idea what he is talking about? I know he initially tweeting against FISA before the adults explained why he was wrong.

He has literally no idea what he just signed.

So nu?