The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

I mean, it’s a red state. Some counties voted trump by nearly 85% there. But they voted for him more because he was an R on the ticket than anything else.

I would hope this means Trump wouldn’t necessarily be the lead in a future primary, should he make it that far.

i’m not sure what Republicans thought would happen honestly. If you increase the costs for their competitors, forcing their price up, then of course the domestic steelmakers are going to increase the prices they charge as well.

That’s how the American steel industry gets ‘saved’, in theory.

What people forget is that even if the Chinese are subsidizing their steel industry and dumping that cheap steel in the US, it is effectively a Chinese-government subsidy for every steel-consuming US industry. And now that is going away, plus a bit more.

Red States have been voting against their economic interests for a long time. As long as Democrats are baby-murdering, gun-taking communists who demand everyone be in same-sex marriages, just as sharia law dictates…

Red States will continue to vote against their economic interests. They’re united by shared fears and hatreds more than anything else. Over the long term, though, it may change whom the Kochs appoint to serve.

One would hope that Trump does for the Republicans what Carter did for the Democrats: make them think twice about just voting for the letter next to the guy’s name. But that’s what W. supposedly was going to do, so I don’t have high hopes.

Donnie has a sad because his favorite wife-beater Rob Porter isn’t around any more, and wishes on a star every night that he might come back.

Donnie also mooned over Flynn for months after he left. Why does this cruel, cruel world keep taking away Donnie’s besties? There is no possible way to understand it.

And Mexico* will pay for it.

  • or the US Armed Forces

Maybe the military could take over medicare and medicaid as well as fully funding social security…

What. The actual fuck.


These two tweets right in a row… simply amazing.

His last tweet makes sense (strategically). We’re in our current situation because of the Supreme Court (as in, people will vote for the most evil person as long as their team gets control of the Supreme Court).

Unfortunately, we will be seeing a whole lot more of that quote from Justice Stevens. "See, they DO want to take away your guns!!!

I mean some of us REALLY do

I mean the reality is that the NRA, and by extension the GOP’s, position does make that outcome more likely. It would not happen normally. But, honestly, if the choice was between the NRA’s all open carry, all the time*, and no private gun ownership and I had to choose? Goodbye second amendment sounds much more appealing.

Or moving to Europe.

So the reality is their actions make that which they fear more likely.

*offer not valid if you are African American, Hispanic, Muslim, or someone the cops decided to execute a no knock raid on

You know why trees flex, right? Because the tree that doesn’t flex snaps once the wind gets strong enough.

That’s basically the GOP/NRA position on guns. There is some room in the middle, but the longer they keep this inflexible position, the more that the room in the middle keeps shrinking.

The problem is that the timescale is likely generational, but it is coming.

If the left had anything like the meme botnet that the right has, they’d be flooding the internet with “REPUBLICAN Supreme Court Justices want to take away your guns.” Which in this case happens to be true. (Stevens was appointed to the Federal bench by Nixon and the Supreme Court by Ford.)

The trees bend because of the wind
Along that lonesome border

Had to post my fave Joe Ely song - carry on