The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever



Here’s a quick transcript:

TRUMP - NO COLLUSION! NO PUPPET, NO COLLUSION! Cohen was not my lawyer. If you take the 5th, you’re innocent. Clinton…she should be in jail. Cohen isn’t my lawyer, no idea who that guy is. Pruitt is a great man. Great man. Ronny Jackson is the best doctor in the history of the world. Cohen is my best friend and my lawyer, but I don’t pay him. NO COLLUSION!

Actually, the weirdest part is right in the beginning when he says he called in because it’s Melania’s birthday. Then he says he “maybe” didn’t get her much of a present.

He was punishing her.

I just don’t see how anyone like Malathor can watch that, and not at least question the road he’s been going down. I mean, can anyone watch that and not be worried that we’re listening to the president of the united states?

Oh, here’s another piece of knowledge that you will never be able to scrub from your brain.
Trump was probably sitting on the toilet while he was talking to them.

Liberals hate him, though. It’s enough.

Doesn’t matter, got tax cuts.

What the hell was that.


Sad thing is, it took me more than a couple of seconds to decide that was in jest

I genuinely think a lot of people who voted for him and support him dont watch him speak. I think they read news summaries of what he says and maybe check his Twitter but assume his ramblings are more a limitation of that medium than how he actually thinks. The criticisms he gets I think in the main they just dismiss as “oh sore loser Democrats complaining again” or “the media hates conservatives so they are spinning him badly”. I just dont think they pay close attention to how crazy he really is and the awful job he is doing.

In their defence I understand that. I paid a LOT less attention to Obama after he was elected, to politics in general actually. I just knew there was my guy in the White House and I trusted him to do the right thing and could get on with my life.

The difference here being I was right, Obama was trustworthy and did the right thing when he could. Trump is not.

I get a lot of he’s real, he’s honest, and the others are fake, or something like that. They often refer to Clinton, still, when they say that too.

Trump’s presidency makes me wonder what the US would have been like under a Ross Perot presidency had he won. And I wonder had Perot appeared/sounded differently if that would have got him elected.

Perot was your successful business man running against the established political machines, but he didn’t have the look or voice of Trump. I do think Perot was much more intelligent and understood what he was doing more than Trump.

Becoming more and more clear that the conversation with Ron Jackson went something like this:

J: I’m going to administer a simple memory test, Mr. Trump.

T: Hey, Dr. Jackson, you’re a Rear Admiral, right? How’d you like to be a full Admiral?

J: That’d be nice. Obviously, there’s no point in administering this test to someone as sharp as you.

T: No point at all, Admiral Jackson.

J: You mean Secretary Jackson, don’t you sir? Remember?

T: Of course…

Except Trump probably doesn’t know the hierarchy of naval officers. He probably thought “rear admiral” meant this guy was his proctologist.

See I don’t get this. I think the man looks like an idiot with his tanning bed eye outlines, horrible hair, and grumpy piss face. Also his voice grates on me and always has. Maybe I’m the exception to the rule?

It’s true Trump has a weird look, especially as he has aged. But Perot looked and sounded weird and “nerdy” in his day. I am sure many Trump fans still see the TV reality show Trump, not the clown he has become.

And Perot ran against “real” men, like Bush and Clinton, whereas Trump ran against that “shrill” Hillary.

PS…that was a joke, no letters please

That’s really good.