The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

They have a new pledge to take from Daddy Putin.

This I agree with.

Prepare to be disappointed.

There is no doubt he will miss a big chance. The other thing is debatable, I suppose.

I’d be willing to give them Sarah Palin.

Sorry @tomchick

Pretty consistent with with what Josh Marshall said today (“Sometimes when you’re surprised again and again and again, it’s time to consider your assumptions.”):

I’m sure Manafort would be pleased to be described as a nice man like Al Capone.

The interview with Hannity was apparently a shitshow of absolutely epic proportions.

and we still have Tucker to look forward to tomorrow. Maybe Mueller will throw in another indictment tomorrow as well to keep it lively.

Is that from this morning’s show (aired tonight)?

If he didn’t write it down, he might forget.

He can’t even flip flop correctly.

This is the new flop-flop. Just come out on all sides of every issue and everyone (especially your supporters) can believe what they want to believe.