The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

My son, who can afford to do so because his grandmother draws the line at some point, told me the other day he had a debate when he visited my mother a few weeks ago. He asked her why she supported Trump.

She said she didn’t really like Trump, but voted for him because she couldn’t stand Hillary Clinton.

Hillary Clinton. A woman who raised a decent kid who has turned into an intelligent woman with great potential. Hillary Clinton, who remained faithful even when her husband was a douchebag and cheated on her. Hillary Clinton, who was a Sunday School teacher, for Christ’s sake. Literally.

I’m not saying Hillary Clinton is a saint…but Jesus. Can you not compare things and see virtue? She may have disagreed with her Methodist upbringing in issues such as abortion, but good lord. The man they elected is now insulting a porn star he fucked and paid off…and doing so on twitter while she makes fun of his penis on twitter! Apologies to decent Christians who post here, but I’m so freaking done with Evangelicals.

Anyway, my son was less than impressed with my mother’s argument. I’m just impressed with him that he had it.


I’ve met one person in my life that I’m certain belonged in both groups, but I don’t think you have to worry too much.

There are a some Christians here I respect a great deal, and some conservatives who may or may not be as well. So I wanted to be clear. I’m just venting, because the hypocrisy is staggering.


In case you thought Trump was only unintentionally referencing Kavanaugh:

Of course Trump probably doesn’t think Kav was innocent, he just didn’t give a shit if he was or not.

People who claim to be Christians who are intolerant and unaccepting of others are not Christians in my book.

He said it doesn’t matter, he won.

There are a lot of women who see that as a fault, not a badge of honor. My wife hates Trump, but she also has nothing good to say about Hillary.

This also means Melania has to be praised for sticking with Trump. I disagree.

Hillary’s previous comments about NOT forgiving men for infidelity kind of play into this as well: “I’m not sitting here some little woman standing by my man like Tammy Wynette.” [after being asked about Jennifer Flowers].

She kind of put herself into a corner there. When Bill’s serial infidelity was (inevitably) revealed to the world at large, she was pretty much stuck. She could stick with Bill and play the part of the aggrieved-yet-loyal spouse while betraying her previously-stated convictions, or she could leave him and torpedo her own hopes for a political career of her own (as well as doing great harm to the institution of the POTUS, I think).

Hindsight being 20-20, I think her leaving him might have helped her own political ambitions in the long-term, but that wasn’t the truth on the ground back in the 90s.

I find it impossible to look at Hillary Clinton’s life without concluding that she loves the guy and can’t quit him. I don’t think less of her for it. What infidelity she’s willing to forgive in a husband seems to be her business, not mine. And I think that goes for pretty much everyone, at least as far as I’m concerned.

I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, you’re a fine father.

Cohen, while pleading guilty in federal court, said Trump directed him to make the payments, which violated federal law.

Trump told the AP Cohen’s claim was “totally false.” He said Cohen was merely “a PR person who did small legal work.”

Cohen’s attorney, Lanny Davis, told USA TODAY his client had “two words” for the president’s claims on truth versus lies: “audio and tape.” He said the president should be worried.

Two words… :)

Oh yeah, well, Trump has fourteen he doesn’t care.

President Donald Trump will be the first sitting president to address the Family Research Council’s Values Voter Summit, which the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) described as a “rogues’ gallery of the radical right.”

Trump will be the keynote speaker at Friday’s event, which will also be attended by his former strategist, Steve Bannon. Other speakers include the founder of anti-Islam group ACT for America and former Trump strategist, Sebastian Gorka.

The anti-LGBTQ Family Research Council, labeled as a hate group by the SPLC, has hosted its annual summit since its inception in 2006.

Maybe a meteor will hit it.