The American Dark Age (2016-2020) An archived history of the worst President ever

Yeah, Don Don, pretty sure you won’t be in favor of serving ‘full and complete sentences’ for some folks coming real soon.

Justin, I know you have CSIS monitoring this account. I just want to say, I love you.

I mean, he can’t even speak in full and complete sentences.

Also, Ridley and Tony Scott’s production company

You nailed it, I am shocked the Onion has managed to stay in business the last couple of years. Practically every tweet, every event he says something incredibly dumb, and every interview and every press conference is a lifetime of lies and gaffs for a normal politician, but is just par for the course for our Donny boy.

Yet he rode his avalanche of stupidity to the presidency. Lack of shame and a dedicated propaganda network will carry you far.

Oh God, the look on Chrystia Freeland’s face just kills me! Lol!

Let the super-hero themed memes begin!

(It originally said just “I am Tariff Man” but got corrected while I was typing this.)

Although this is clearly an intern and not really Donnie. We know because of the correct use of commas and the techniques to sound folksy that real Donnie doesn’t use - e.g. “$billions” or the phrase “max out.”

It’s worth noting that, while the intern is better at writing than Donnie, they’re a freaking sociopath just like him. (Which is not surprising: who other than a sociopath would work for him?) Here’s the intern’s tweet about the Bush memorial preparations:

Some notes on pretending to have affect, Trump intern: you don’t normally say you’re “looking forward” to grieving with the affected family. Nor do regular people praise the “precision” of the funeral arrangements. (Nor are they usually called “elegant.” The accepted word to describe the arrangements in this situation is “beautiful” - which is in fact a Donnie word, ironically enough.)

So, folks can raid our country, as long as they pay Trump?

Apparently selling us goods we want to buy is raiding?

The grocery store raids me every week!


Yes, Don, Americans loooove paying more for stuff they were going to buy anyway because of your moronic tariffs. Also, for the thousandth time, DJT doesn’t know what a tariff is, and he loves telling people about it.

I would suggest that if you use Twitter, every time Trump tweets, reply with:


And tell others to do the same.

Because ultimately, it would be amazing if we can get to the point where every time he tweets, it’s just slammed with thousands of people telling him he’s going to prison. And it would make him (more) insane.

Do Trump voters think that Tariffs mean “China writes us a big check, but prices stay low!”

Good grief, I bet they do.

If I knew that a lot of people were going to do this I might get back on Twitter.

Be the change you want to see in the world, Rich.

Yeah, but… Twitter.

They probably think that a tariff is a tax that a corporation pays in order to sell their goods here.

The president of the United States thinks exactly that.