WOAH: Goldeneye: 007 Coming To Live Arcade

Talking with very reliable sources, and seeing evidence ourselves, Xbox Evolved believes that Microsoft, Rareware, MGM Studios (studio that makes the James Bond 007 movies) and Activision (holds the license for James Bond 007 titles right now) have come to an agreement to bring the Rareware developed Goldeneye 007 out to Xbox Live Arcade shortly before the new game developed by Activision is released.

The title will feature updated graphics, and of course an all-new Xbox Live multiplayer. Not only that, but we have found evidence that Rareware is planning on releasing even more of their back catalog onto Xbox Live Arcade, specifically, Perfect Dark and the original Banjo-Kazooie. Expect more on at least Goldeneye 007 later this year.

I lost an entire summer to Goldeneye… this could be amazing.

I still remember all the maps. That grenade launcher with bouncy grenades rules.

Strange, the latest issue of EGM reported that it was canceled.

EGM, ftl. What’s the cover?

I lost an entire year to that game and MP. My bro and I would put a divider up between the two halves of the screen and the DM was insanely awesome. I can’t count how many times one of us went apeshit because we tripped an ENTIRE FUCKING ROOM full of proxy mines.

Good times.

My brother killed two controllers playing that game.

We still hit it up!

Would you really still play it? It was revolutionary at the time but it’s so dated now.

For nostalgia’s sake, fuck yes.

Wow. The best goddamned console shooter of the 90s. If it’s 50% as fun as it was 10 years ago, I’ll be the happiest kid in the world.

It’ll be less dated than Doom, and that looked and played surprisingly great on XBLA.

I think people are still unlocking new characters for the original game…

Good god, is it ever dated. My sister has my old N64, so when we were visiting for the holidays, I broke out Goldeneye, and… um. That’s not the game I remember! The game I remember wasn’t totally blurry with a shitty control scheme, it was way awesomer, by god.

Multiplayer proximity mines in the facility was still fun, though.

Smash Bros. Arrived yesterday or today.

Yes. Golden Gun at the Complex, ftw.

Awesome! Maybe I can finally beat that second to last level (defense of the control room). I was always just one half second away from finishing… and I can’t believe I still remember that.


I could’ve sworn Reggie promised it’d be on Virtual Console. I remember him using the phrase ‘no matter the cost’, causing concern that it would cost far more than other N64 games.

Man what a great game. And what insane feats you had to accomplish to unlock cheats.

I vaguely remember this too but I think he meant cost to Nintendo.

Maybe Activision/MGM will bring it to Virtual Console, too, sans upgrades.

Goldeneye was a rather fun way to spend many an afternoon a few years ago, but now I just don’t see how it could hope to stand up. Even if they left in the cheats and the things you had to do to unlock them I can’t see myself pushing though to unlock them all again.

Probably once for about 5 minutes, I’m afraid.