Wordle: Everyone is Suddenly Playing It

Based on the many ‘two’s ‘, I’m guessing the solution is a much more common word than I thought?

My worst performance so far. In guess 3, I omitted one of the letters I knew was correct. Bit mistake.

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Which, ironically, is why I genuinely feel it’s easier than the alternative - it prevents me from making thoughtless mistakes.

Granted. It prevents a specific class of thoughtless mistakes. :)

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ouija raise drink child crimp

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Double letters are the worst.

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I failed. In the end, I just re-entered a word I had used before, because I simply could not figure it out and had run out of options (hard mode). Having seen the solution: yeah, never would have guessed that. Oh well, one of the reasons to do this is to broaden my knowledge of the English language, so at least that’s working!

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couldn’t do it, I started with QUONE which is not in the wordlist. And my last words were TROLL QUOLL

I will say that on the WINCE word, I used QUINE and NONCE before I got there.

Nice recovery from no hits for me today. I’m one of those starting with whatever random word hits my fancy on the day.

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party links knoll

me too

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Started on an NFL route…

My distribution is now very pleasing

This one felt tough.

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This one had me stumped. After getting the second and third letters correct my brain just shut down

KNOOF is not a word I’ve ever heard of! Google seems to say it’s a more cut focussed version of a SPORK?

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That one had me stumped for a while!


It was a total Hail Mary at that point!

Today’s word was the toughest I’ve seen so far! I consider myself well read, but I’ve never seen this word used outside of JFK Assassination Theories so completely forgot that it existed.

Only managed to get it by getting the first 3 letters and perusing websites that listed 5 letter words starting with K :)

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I lucked out with the double LL on Atoll. This was my first double letter in the game and I wasnt sure how the game handled them/if it used them at all. I kept trying to make GNOLL a thing - lol - but apparently it’s not in the dictionary. After a long time of staring - what does gnoll sound like? Ooooh. Grassy Knoll.