Wordle: Everyone is Suddenly Playing It

Haha! My mistake (a constant error of mine), not hers!

That’s honestly probably more impressive than mine, since when presented with the puzzle I was, it’s pretty easy to immediately go to β€œThe ___ of ____” and there are really only so many obvious choices from there.

Yours would have had way more possibilities. Bravo!

I use Irate


why is HORME in the book? what does it mean… ?

Today’s puzzle took me 5. My longest puzzle yet.

Same. Like a lot of folks, I’m seeing, I immediately placed three letters by the 2nd guess. And then needed three more to get it.

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Wordle 204 4/6*


TIL letters can be repeated.

First try after reading this:


However, I’m pretty certain this was almost as lucky as that French girl mentioned up-thread: being Dutch, I really don’t know as many English words as I think I do. Will see how it goes though!

Wordle 204 4/6*


I used IRATE as suggested by @JonRowe and am playing hard mode.

Today was one of those where I get into a space where I struggle for a long time to think of any words that fit what I’ve uncovered until the answer finally pops into my head.

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After the first guess I wasn’t optimistic. Took a while to figure out letters repeat without knowing ahead of time.

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Lucky second word guess taught me repeated letters are a thing.

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Hard mode all the way. I always start with STORE personally.

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Wordle 204 4/6


My word order was (puzzle answer/spoiler here!)



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I’m disturbed that I appear to be the only one using dark mode. I worry about the rest of you going blind.

What is hard mode?

Edit: figured it out. Will play with this in the future