World War Z: The Motion Picture

I would watch “Die Hard with zombies.”

Well now, that’s an interesting way to put it. And by interesting, I mean revealing.

No one here is arguing that WWZ is a great book, some of us are just saying it doesn’t suck 100%. You are saying if you liked a single part of it you must be an idiot. Or a poor person with no upbringing and no social skills, because you laid it out very clearly that you feel superior to everyone here that thinks there is a single, minute, tiny part of the book that is enjoyable.

I hope you don’t get beat up going to the copy machine today!

Hell yeah – yippie ki yay, mother eater!

That’s it. I’m skipping WWZ and reading Cell instead!

Bad writing fine, got it.

I honestly haven’t read any zombie fiction-ever, so I have to say my bar was pretty low, and got what I expected: a pulp novel with an interesting idea, that wasn’t really written well, but was still a good romp for a couple of days.

WWZ is a hamfisted and retarded polemic that’ll annoy anyone with a modicum of common sense unless they’re so blindly enthralled with the subject matter that they’ve lost their ability to discern between goofy fun and offensively stupid crap and puerile politics.

If you liked WWZ, it’s probably impossible for you to not like a zombie book, so it doesn’t matter if it reads like it was written by an uneducated 14 year old boy who is still smarting from being beaten up behind the school portable classrooms three days a week.

That is not even attacking Max, that is attacking whoever enjoyed the book, thus the reaction you get Des. But hey you’re a Gamalon that is gonna destroy the Earth in 345 days, so I think you are just trying to distract us.

It would make a kick ass MMO…

But the endgame raids would consist of just standing in a square and firing headshots for 72 hours.

While listening to Iron Maiden’s “The Trooper.”

And I think we can all get behind that.

Incorrect! You would have to use your modified shovels to walk up and melee them to death, because no one trusts rifles after the Battle of Yonkers.

And that is any different than other endgame raids?

You have to maintain a steady rate of one headshot per second or you will be pulled from the firing line.

that would be one thing that would explode my head with rage and keep me from buying a game.

I hates the momos.

Desslock, Tom and I all agree on something. There is hope for humanity’s future.

People like the concept of a global zombie crisis. That is the only reason why people are paying attention to it. While there are some good ideas, the over all story doesn’t work on may levels and I’m thinking most of WWZ’s elements will not hold up.

While I’ve not read it yet (sitting in a pile to-read eventually), my wife says that she was very caught up in the personal interview segments. She said that they read very similarly to actual historical interviews that she had read, and that she would regularly stop and think “That’s horrible!” before thinking “no, it’s just a book, this didn’t actually happen.”

She maintains that this movie would be unworkable except from the documentary angle that people were speculating about early on. I get the impression that maybe the plot isn’t particularly coherent, and that’s why she thinks those interviews are the only really effective part.

A zombie apocalypse movie presented in documentary style would actually bring a little something new and interesting to a pretty overexposed genre. It’s baffling that someone bought the film rights to the book and decided to do anything else with it.

I thought it was decent bathroom reading. Whatever.

The only explanation I can come up with for the seething nerd rage is you all really wanted it to be great and it disappointed. Kind of like Battlestar Galatica.

What’s a good zombie book? I have nothing to read right now.

Yeah but after everyone pulled together they were able to make guns that NEVER jammed like some kinda feel good story.

One of the best parts of “Shaun of the Dead” is the ending tv segments of of the Zombie apocolypse in a documentary fashion.

You guys can all read this together then while you label all of us who actually enjoyed the book as idiots.

I’ve tried to be light up to this point, taking this as an exchange of two very vocal groups of nerds espousing their opposing points of view on a book. I honestly don’t care if you didn’t like the book. I’m not going to try defending it.

But as someone who studied and enjoyed Studs Terkel and his style of oral histories during my four years of college, I liked World War Z for its take on both the zombie and oral history genres. It’s clear a lot of people here did. And while Tom is merely criticizing the book itself, something I repeat I have no problem with, you and Desslock are taking it upon yourselves to denigrate people who just want to have fun talking about the book and the movie. So fuck you very much for your self-righteous “shitty book for stupid people” comment.

That is one tacky dining room.

Other than that, I agree with your post.