Worst thing you'll see all month: Psychopaths

A new low for the most uninteresting horror director working today!

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at http://www.quartertothree.com/fp/2018/03/12/worst-thing-youll-see-all-month-psychopaths/

I wish I could remember whatever it was that made me think that Larry Fessenden was a seal of quality that made a movie worth watching. Between this and Girlfriend’s Day, he’s been in two of the worst movies I’ve seen recently. Sure, it’s entirely Mickey Keating’s fault that this movie is so bad, but since he didn’t cast Lauren Ashley Carter this time, it was Fessenden that made me put my money down.

Fessenden gets lifetime horror cred for directing Wendigo and directing and acting in Habit. But, yeah, he’s in a lot of crap. And he hasn’t directed anything good since Wendigo. But I love seeing him pop up in movies like Wendy and Lucy, The Body, and Pod (another godawful Keating movie).


If you like Gardner and Fessenden, check out last year’s LIKE ME. Both are great in it—Jeremy very memorably in the opening scene, and Larry in one of the bigger and more interesting roles he’s had of late (and that’s counting “Flamethrower Guy” in UNTIL DAWN).

Full disclosure: I’m friends with the filmmakers so I’m biased. But if you check out their performances, I suspect you’ll agree.