WOW - Arena Team Questions

“Schoolyard Scraps”

So the last couple nights a few of us have gone outside of Shattrath for some dueling, amongst the level 70s.

The first night it was myself (Sharpeshot the Tauren Hunter) vs Smokeynecros the Undead Warlock vs DocThompson (Grindurbonze the Troll Hunter), plus a couple of bonus matches vs a random Night Elf Hunter who joined in. After the first night, Smokey was undefeated 6-0, I was mixed at 3-2 (lost vs Smokey, won vs Grind) and Grind was sadly winless at 0-6.

The next night was the same three, plus Gordon Cameron, appearing as both his Tauren Warrior Hoomdoorm and his Tauren Druid Powhatan. I also brought out my ally mage, Sharpeflame the gnomie. Amazingly, Hoomdoorm was able to defeat the EZ Mode warlock-doom of Smokey, going a net 2-1 vs Smokey. He defeated my mage 2-1 also and my hunter 1-0. I didn’t keep track of all the stats but for the second night Smokey went something like 10-2, Hoom 6-2, my mage 2-5, my hunter 5-2 and Grind finally broke into the winning column by defeating my mage.

It was a lot of fun.

Schoolyard Scraps was a total blast!!!

I lost nearly every match, except the one against Sharpe’s loathesome little critter-thing-pseudo-person. (My keyboard is still crawling with cooties.)

Had a couple close ones with Hoom - major damage dealer! Smokeynecros, tho, - that guy knows how to “run & gun” finding the sweet-spot in the ranged attack mode.

whew what a work-out!

I wanna do Maelga & his wench!!!