WoW Hackers

I dont see the big problem with botting. You either sit there until you play like a zombie because of lack of sleep, or dual play, or you get your computer to do some tedious task (such as fishing or mining) while you sleep, make dinner or go to work.

Since you cant do anything special by botting that you could not do as a normal player I do not see the big deal.

I wonder, would people consider you running some ‘event’ outside of the game for 5-15 minutes so you would not get disconnected while running to the store while you are in Alterac Valley, having already fought for 7 hours? – Its against the tos and you’re an evil botter after all – or could there be some gray areas? When is botting evil, and when is it not? Why is it evil?

I think mmorpg companies put anti-botting entries into their TOS because so many people whine about what other people do in the game (instead of, say, playing the game themselves…).

BOT’s aint bad – as long as they dont kill humans, and got some laws for that: