So I finally hit 49 with my Warrior in WoW last night. I have been planning for some time to stop leveling for a while at 49 and do some PvP instead, as I really enjoy it and can compete in the 40-49 bracket equipment wise.
I’ve managed to pick up some pretty decent gear (Hydralisk, Thrash Blade, +1% hit/+20 AP ring…) and I’m filling in minor gaps, but I’m also pretty close to flat broke. I need to get some enchants (mainly Fiery for my off-hand dagger and some +resist/+hp/+stam on my gear) and I want to drop Herbalism for engineering so I can get the frost/fire trinkets and Iron Grenades, but all this requires money. Gold.
I have 36 gold and I’m an Alchemist/Herbalist. I just got into 49, so I have some experience to burn but I can’t make 50 so any gold acquisition system I use has got to minimize experience gained. I’ve read stuff here and there, but none of it seems reasonable.
Can anyone suggest any good get-rich-quick schemes for a level 49? I think I basically need about 200-300 gold total so I can grind Engineering and get the enchantments I want to PvP.
I use a rule of thumb that gathering professions make money, and crafting professions lose money. Drop the Herb Value Reduction skill (most people call it Alchemy), and pick up mining. Install Gatherer if you haven’t already, and then farm herbs and ore.
Getting to the high-value items might be a little tough at your level. If you average two herb/ore from a node, and they sell for 4g a stack, that’s 10 nodes per 4g. A mere 750 nodes from now you should have 300g.
Every raid guild needs tons of Dreamfoil these days, since it goes in all the Greater Resistance potions and in Major Mana, so there’s bigger money to be made there. You can probably get to the nodes in Azshara and Felwood, and Azshara has a few Rich Thorium now too. Mithril makes just as much money as Thorium, if not more, but doesn’t have the chance for the super gem drops.
Also I would suggest finding a nice spot and grinding off greens.
Shit I spent level 53 grinding off level 50 bears in felwood on my rogue and with in 2 hours I had 20 gold or so. For me thats not bad at all for just spending the time grinding.
Also you are almost the level to start going in to SM and laying waste to the place. SM is the big money maker and you can make a lot of money in a short ammount of time there. I bet you could also start going in to uldaman and laying waste in there as well.
During 35-40, I went from 20 gold to 105 gold by having skinning/mining as my professions (resulting in sacks of leather that I would sell, along with any ores [ironically, it’s easier for me to sell ore instead of a finished bar] I found), and also occasionally “daytrading” (see a sword on the AH at just 10g, buy it, and re-list it as 20g."
Heck, even I farm SM (have to group) for silk/mageweave and green drops, and I’m nine levels below you.
the add on auctioneer is the best for auctioning. It’s on curse-gaming, but also note the website for auctioneer itself. The website is very helpful. Anywhere you go, always check the fishing supplier, the butcher, and the trade people for recipes, either limited ones or even unlimited ones. You can get twice their value on the ah.
I haven’t played for a while, so things may have changed.
But daytrading would be my answer.
Find a few choice items and control the market - buy every listening below the price you decide is right (within reason) and relist at that price. You’ll need dilligence and initial funds - but I had 300+ gold before I hit lv 40. But I did have weeks where I barelý left Ironforge.
For me it was Mithril, aquamarine and jade and whatever magic items were auctioned at a too low price - the best are those items with a low starting bid but ridiculous high ‘buy now’ price.
(I lost 4-500 mithril bars in the mail, because the birth of my second daughter kinda made me forget to log in within a one month period…;-)
It’s pretty easy to control the Wool market if you sit there all day and you can resell at ridiculous prices. For some reason, Blizz won’t put enough wool in the world, so it’s easy to corner.
Dont I know it. I have seen wool going for upwards of 2g+ a stack depending on the day. Its also very easy to control the enchanting mats market if you watch it carefully.
I started out skinning/leatherworking, and while skinning was paying off I wasn’t doing much with leatherworking, so recently dumped that for alchemy - I’m enjoying alchemy a lot (there’s a number of potions that always sell, for sometime I’ve had the market covered for Water Breathing potions) and tonight I’m going to dump skinning (currently at 290 or so) for herbalism - on our server (Moonrunner) the leather market has pretty much dropped completely, and getting my last 15 points of alchemy is going to cost me in excess of 100g for reagents, so there’s money to be made selling 'erb, in addition to keeping my own costs down.
A bonus is that the other guys in the guild can just message me when they need something for a quest or whatever. It’s nice having a useful skill and being able to keep a handy stock of mana and healing potions in your bag.
Alchemy has been the biggest money maker for me so far. Transmuting essence of water to essence of air was 8-10g/day profit at one point. Some potions are also more valuable than the ingredients, primarily those that come from reasonably rare recipes of course. In the end you don’t need that much money, but the transmutes cover the repair costs and the minor things you’ll buy when your equipment is a lot better than the one you could buy from the AH.
I never did any specific grinding for money or AH trading or anything, not even much transmutes initially, and I could still buy my frostwolf (640g) by the time I reached exalted with frostwolf (probably 20days /played). Just doing the 5-man instances (lvl 56-60) with 5 and not 10 should in many cases give 10-20g per run depending on the market for enchanting crystals.
Yah know, I’m starting to wonder if they’ve begun nerfing SM too, or if I just have really crappy luck on drops now.
I’ve mentioned in the past how I would easily get 10-12g per run of Cathedral, but lately its been closer to 5-6. None of the grey weapon items drop anymore, and I’m lucky if I walk away with one or two valuable items (not including boss drops). Seems that the majority of the money I’d make from the trash mobs were from silk converted to bandages and then vendored.
I’m beginning to wonder if Blizzard is intentionally trying to corale gold farmers into specific regions so as not to interrupt with the rest of the game. Of course there’s Tyr’s Hand and Hearthglen in the Plaguelands, but they’ve also got satyr camps in Azshara and Felwood that give decent coin drops and lots of good cloth (I can average 10 felcloth in one 2-3hr session). I also like to farm mageweave off the furbolg for my mage.
As an aside, if you’re a warrior and you’re not yet at the point of using an endgame talent spec, I’d highly suggest going fury (even dual wield, if that’s your thing). I went arms about a month ago and farming has become so difficult. I never realized just how much Crusader+Bloodthirst did for keeping my life up. I’m easily bandaging twice as often now that I switched to axe arms spec.
As an aside, if you’re a warrior and you’re not yet at the point of using an endgame talent spec, I’d highly suggest going fury (even dual wield, if that’s your thing). I went arms about a month ago and farming has become so difficult. I never realized just how much Crusader+Bloodthirst did for keeping my life up. I’m easily bandaging twice as often now that I switched to axe arms spec
I make my cash from buying and reselling enchant mats. These are great because there is no deposit required (because they do not have a vendor sell price).
I have a character in IF and one in Org and I just buy low and sell higher. I probably spend 2 hours a week doing this and pull 200-500G a week depending on the markets. I will occasionally buy magic items to convert them into mats as well, which is easy to do as long as you have a level 5 character and pick up apprentice enchanting.
You can play just about any commodity like this, but enchant mats are the most forgiving because of the no fee thing.
I will also agree with what a lot of other people have already said, gathering professions are where its at if you want to make money with a trade. If you had to pick a crafting tradeskill to make money, alchemy would be it. You can sell transmutes and major mana/health pots pretty easily. Enchanting you can make a real killing if you are the only provider of a high end enchant. I was the only one with +22 int on my faction for a month or so and I made thousands of gold off of it.
Having played DW Fury and MS Axe at 60, I’d say that MS is the better PvP spec. DW is still fun, though, and I may respec my Warrior back to it if I ever a) play her and b) get better 1h weapons.
I am a wool man myself. Also, coarse stone. A wondeful market!
Once I had enough money I started buying cheap blues and reselling them. That’s netted me a good deal of cash as well. The wool and coarse stone is a good staple that ensures about 100g a week income, the blue items are the “big scores” less reliable but extremely profitable when they pan out.
I’m pretty rich now. Enough so that I will probably get my epic mount from another faction.
Appreciate all the advice. I tried some of this out last night but kept on queueing AB instead because I have a weakness for this. Couldn’t even get a fix on the market sin the AH using auctioneer as the AB 40-49 queue kept coming up over and over.
Seems like Fellwood is really where I should go to get a ton of reagents to put starting capital together for trying to control the enchanting market, which appears to be the best risk-lite thing to cartel. I’ll do an Auctioneer update daily to get a good weekly spread, then check point prices this weekend to determine what to buy on Wednesday and resell on Friday, but if anyone has any advice on what Enchanting materials do high volume it’d be wonderful.
Note on Fury: At level 40-49 it beats the hell out of MS. I have no trouble with any class but Mages, and laugh at other MS specced Warriors. Without Enrage I have a pretty awesome edge as my main damage abilities (Flurry and Enrage) are free. Just strap a shield to your arm, go Def stance and you will slaughter and 2H MSing warrior without breaking a sweat. Then turn around and DW Intercept a few priests and warlocks for kicks. At this level it’s sick PvP.
There’s virtually a whole other thread on this, but our fury warriors are creaming the MS warriors for DPS in raids, for kills in PVP, and it’s apparently faster for levelling as well. I don’t think the difference is that much - yay balance! - but certainly Fury isn’t useless!