WoW Patch today

Am I just worse at searching than usual today, or is there no WoW patch link available for us here? Doesn’t Jason normally post a link?

I queued it on Fileplanet this morning with their Download Manager utility. Comes in around 260MB, IIRC.

I’m not even actively playing, but I was bored and looking on FP for stuff to DL.

The background downloader already had me at 98%, so it was quick to finish without a third-party patch site.

Cool. Fileplanet has it subscriber-only ATM, and I’m not a subscriber.

No, it’s registered only which is different from subscriber. Just login your free GameSpy account and you’re fine downloading from their free servers down at the bottom of the list.

Paladins nerfed to buff priests.

5:10:01PM <Brannoc> nv From the CM’s replies on the forums regarding the diminishing role of priests in the current game content (PvE and PvP), we’re led to believe there is going to be future review of priests. Can you provide us any insight on the changes that could be a possibility?

5:11:41PM <Kalgan> Well, i think some of the diminishing role of priests had a lot to do with the power of the illumination talent. With 2.1 there are some significant balance changes that should improve the role of healing priests in endgame content regardless of the fact that it wasn’t the hpm/hps of the priests themselves that changed significantly.

Source: World of Warcraft Forums


Filefront is much better than Fileplanet…

I saw a post today on the general forums which quote a some developer interview that said the realized that pallys, especially ret pallys were in a sad state.

I have no idea if this is true and would be interested in knowing how royally screwed up and unfocused the paladin class is.

If they do know that, I hope the also realize it doesn’t need tweaking, but to be green-fielded and re-envisioned from the ground up. Maybe the will get rid of their stupid seal-judgment system as well.

Fileplanet lets you queue three things at a time, while doesn’t FileFront require you to sit on every download until the timer expires and there is no automatic download after you get your queue slot? Or am I thinking of FileShack?

That sounds like fileplanet to me. I remember having to wait in a que, and then having 2 minutes to click on ‘ready’ or whatever as soon as I was in front.

No, that’s only if you don’t install their Download Manager component, which more recently has changed from an ActiveX dealie to a seperate app that launches from the download popup window (which closes). You can queue three files at a time as a non-subscriber, and they will all download automatically. Fileplanet also isn’t like Fileshack in that you can download as many files as you want that that don’t require the Download Manager (usually downloads such as mods hosted there via various other Planet sites). Fileshack you will get a message asking you if you want to abort your other download, and there is no way to use a download manager such as Orbit with it without screwing things up.

I think the headline here is that the biggest WoW patch in months is out today and it almost took until noon for a thread to show up. Is WoW finally loosening its grip?

(I’ve logged in one day in the past 3 months.)

Not for me. It’s strange I took about two weeks off before a big trip I had. I played Silent Storm during the hiatus. Then I left for three weeks on a business trip and dreamed of WoW while I was gone. I couldn’t wait to play once I got back.

WoW has that push pull thing going with me but all the MMO’s and games I’ve played during the short breaks just don’t hold my interest long enough and I keep coming back.

One day, that application will actually work for me beyond downloading the first 256k and stalling. FileShack to the rescue!

Eh… paladins were godly healers and probably shouldn’t have been. I know of no priests who are happier because of this, but I’ve been on runs where a priest chugged two mana pots and ended a fight OOM and a paladin healing on the exact same fight with the same group ended a fight at 70%. That needs fixing, regardless.

Now if paladins aren’t still very viable long-haul, single-target healers after the change, it’ll need fixing again, too. But near-infinite mana is a bit tough to balance around for a healadin, and was broken.

It actually lets you start downloading the patch in advance now. You can have the full patch ready to be installed a couple of days before it’s actually released.


Its grip is loosening for me. Mainly started because of too much college work taking up way too much time. Eventually I just couldn’t get back to raiding when I started playing again and quit my raiding guild recently because I couldn’t be bothered.

I still level my 60+ alt but in fits. When TBC came out I got my warrior main to level 70 over exactly 10 days consisting of maybe 8 hours of playtime every day. I was addicted again. But now I’ve been doing some really relaxed levelling, gaining a level in 3 or 4 days and most of the time not logging on more than 3 times a week for a couple hour stretches each time. Mostly because of burnout due to the insane leveling curve from 60 onwards (it really is horrible even though I’m rested all the time), but also because of other games. I’ve been enjoying the hell out of C&C3 and Shivering Isles and other games in general.

I don’t think I’ll ever eventually quit though. It’s like an eternal fallback option when you’re bored of everything else.

I don’t play as much anymore. Of course, this is thousands of hours later when you factor in my beta time. I think I’m close to played out now, but I still have a 61 rogue to tinker with and level.

What would get me excited again would be new classes and/or a pure PvP server with XP for player kills.

I’m not about to migrate from WoW into another MMO though. I’ll give some other games a spin, but I don’t want to jump into another thousand hour timesink.

In general it’s not true. Prot paladins who know what they’re doing and are well geared make excellent tanks (for the most part), especially for very specific group makeups (e.g. my mage loves him a prot paladin… the clear speeds of a prot paladin and a mage or two is sick for most dungeons if the healer can keep up).

Healadins were overpowered pre-patch. They’ve been nerfed, and it remains to be seen how they’ll actually work out (vs. how they’re convinced they’ll work out). I suspect if either the healers or the tanks are nerfed too much, they’ll get bolstered back up though.

Ret paladins are just… weird. Paladins are very clearly a tanking/healing hybrid, so I have no clue why they even have a damage tree. You don’t see shaman running around with a tanking tree. I think, realistically, the entire ret idea should have been scrapped and paladins should have healing, tanking, and… erm… no clue what else. (Shaman have healing, ranged damage, melee damage, which works… the paladin analogue would be ‘ranged tanking’. Actually, come to think of that, it might work to do something like that… make retribution a combination protective/damage tree where the paladin focuses on a player to “protect” actively, and in so doing heals them while siphoning damage back to whatever is hurting them. Conceptually the idea works okay, but I don’t think there’s anything like the mechanics support necessary to actually do it unfortunately.)

Yeah, and that sounds good on paper, doesn’t it?

However, the ENTIRE healing paladin concept was based around this SINGLE talent. Three additional Holy talents are also nerfed because of this nerf.

Also, Paladin T4 and T5 healing gear has +spell crit% on it. It’s been shown that with the nerf, it’s now more beneficial to have +mp5. Was the gear changed in any way to account for the core nerf to healing paladins? Fuck no.

Also, I’m unclear why this is a problem now. Crit % scales linearly. Naxx paladins should have had just as much crit % as they do in SS. Why the change?

My favorite patch note:

Fixed a grammatical error in the quest, The Ring of Mmmrrrggglll.