Take-Two Filing Reveals Lawsuits, Acquisition Financials

Yeah, I know another Gamaustra article on Take-Two, but I believe it is worthy of discussion.

Geez, Irrational didn’t cost them too much.

Yeah that seemed low as hel to me. A small-ish lotto win and I could have owned it?!?


Nobody cares about this?

One other notable payment was the renegotiation of a $6 million charge due upon delivery of the final PC version of Duke Nukem Forever back in March 2005. The epic delay of 3D Realms’ shooter has meant that $4.25 million of the final milestone payment has already been paid, alongside the promise of a final $500,000 upon the commercial release of Duke Nukem Forever prior to December 31, 2006.

I’ll bet that Take 2 does.

3DRealms made out like bandits. Imagine getting another $4.25M for a game that’s been delayed for years.

Atari originally had the rights to publish DNF, back when they were Infogrames. Take 2 bought the rights for $12 million – paid out in development milestones. $6 million has been paid already. This is the second payment which they have negotiated from $6 million down to $4.25 million, on account of the protracted development.

So Atari is actually getting this money, not 3DR.

You sure about this? There’s that whole episode of 3DRealms being a part of Gathering, which eventually sold to Take 2.

Yep. GoD was already a division of Take 2 when the transaction took place.