Just got a DS, what games should I get?

I know there are probably a lot of threads on this but since qt3 doesn’t allow searches for something as short a “DS”, I’m asking again. Just got a DS, what are the must have games, especially for someone like me who mostly play pc and 360 games?

There is a huge variety of DS games out now, what genres do you perfer?

I guess rpg, adventure and strategy but i’m open to other stuff.

New Super Mario Bros
Phoenix Wright
Those are my favs, but I admittedly don’t get as much time in on my DS as I’d like, or as much as a lot of other guys around here do.

Strategy: Puzzle Quest.
other: Elite Beat Agents, Brain Age
RPG: Etrian Odyssey, Izuna

I’m about 1/2 year out of date. Oh, and search this site using google, and you should find the monthly DS games threads. I guess this will be this October’s version.

The two DS games I’ve gotten the most mileage out of are Worms: Open Warfare 2, and Picross.

There are lots of great games, but those are just the two I can come back to over and over again (Worms mostly for the multiplayer).

You should have gotten a PSP. Unless the DS is for your son, the PSP has surpassed the DS in games for adults.

Oh gods, not this again.

I think the greatest value I got out of my DS was the Ouendan/Elite Beat Agents series. Other than that, I played a good amount of Trauma Center, and from there it’s just been GBA rpgs. That’s not to say I didn’t buy a ton of DS games; I did, consumer whore that I am. But the Ouendans are the only killer app I’ve really seen for the touch format.

If I still had to play portable games (it was only due to lack of access to a console that I used it), I’d probably give the new Zelda a whirl. It’s been getting rave reviews from some unexpected places.

Advanced Wars. Apart from the 12-year-old little girl dialogue it’s fine.

Good catch. Personally, I liked the GBA original, or at least ended up playing it a great deal more.


  • Alan

I was just going to say… I made the same mistake of making a new thread when I got my DS.

Which I never play, by the way.

Also: Don’t get Puzzle Quest.

I agree; it’s way too addictive. It will cause you to become horribly sleep deprived.

  • Alan

New York Times Crosswords
Kirby’s Canvas Curse
Brain Age 1 or 2 (if you like Sudoku)

Elite Beat Agents, Puzzle Quest, Trauma Center, Harvest Moon:Rune Factory, Phoenix Wright, those are all favorites of mine. PQ is on PC and X360 though now, so that may be the way to go with either of those. I also enjoyed Trace Memory and Hotel Dusk quite a bit, and Deep Labyrinth is a fun dungeon crawler.

If you’re so inclined, Jump Superstars is pretty good. Warioware:Touched is fun, and for general mini-game enjoyment, Rub Rabbits and XX/XY are excellent.

As mentioned by Brendan, Canvas Curse is great. Sonic Rush is also good, it’s much closer to old school 2D sonic than anything else in a long time.

Etrian Odyssey. The best DS game yet.

The new Zelda is fantastic, and Picross is addictive as hell.

If you’re in Europe, or are import-friendly, get Anno1701. It’s an amazingly well programmed sim-city meets settlers type game.

Phantom Hourglass and Hotel Dusk.

Etrian Odyssey
Kirby Canvus Curse
New Super Mario Bros
Legend of Zelda - Phantom Hourglass
Advance Wars
Osu! Tatakae! Ouendan(“Hey! Fight! Cheer Squad”)
Elite Beat Agents
Mario Kart DS
Puzzle Quest

I bought a psp at launch. Has a nice layer of dust on it.