Anyone know anything about this game? (Commander-In-Chief)

Looks interesting…I see they’ve had an English version called “Geo-Political Simulator” around for a while. Glad they’re not charging the $62 US they wanted for THAT :).

Anyone here played this at all? Can’t find a review of the new product anywhere. Don’t feel like throwing out $30 if this is as bad as Superpower/Superpower 2

I’m also curious about this one. Anyone?

I played the Geo-Political Simulator thing and didn’t find enough interesting enough to even blog about it. It’s not as ridiculously bad as Superpower, but was clearly underthought.

That said, the Commander in Chief version (if it is different) was not played.


The combat screenshot reminds me a bit of Third World War for Sega CD, if anyone else remembers that lost gem.

This is on my radar as well, although it would need to be good to be a purchase. Anyone know of any digital distribution options for this?

From what I understand, they are, in fact, the same game. What did you find bad about the Geo-Political Simulator?