So I'm 7 hours into FF13

…and I finally finished the opening areas of the game / extended tutorial.

Anyone else imported this?

Is there a language barrier at all? I was unclear on what importing would require you to accommodate.

You can read my review here.

There’s no English support, if that’s what you mean. If you don’t speak Japanese you won’t understand the story, but then again you probably wouldn’t anyway, going on past games. Gameplay shouldn’t be too difficult once you’ve worked out what all the menu options do, because they’ll mostly stay the same throughout.

I don’t really have any time to play FFXIII right now, but it’s pretty much what I expected. I’m looking forward to sitting down with it more in the new year.

Luckily the turn around time isn’t that long for XIII. An English version is only like 2.5 months away.

Surprisingly accurate.

You know, after thinking about this I think this is a very bad game to import. Despite the fact that the game is (at least so far) very straightforward in the style of “Just go forward to trigger the next event” like in FF10, they did a lot of screwy things with the battle system that I think anyone not being able to follow the tutorials will have a hard time.

I’m still not sure if I really like the new system actually…though it’s interesting how they tackled the same problem Dragon Age tries to address (to try to avoid micro managing your party members during battle) in a totally different way.

Not on purpose, I assure you!

Because I hadn’t really thought about what “Blind review” meant, I actually believed it when I first read it.

I know. It’s harder to make the shtick work with a weird JRPG. No matter how outlandish, it still seems plausible. I actually stopped writing it halfway through to make sure I wasn’t just describing The World Ends With You, which I’ve not played, but which I remembered took place in a shopping district and involved fashion.

My copy will be here tomorrow from NCSX. I know very little Japanese, but the folks here are doing a pretty comprehensive walkthrough and guide for English folks.

Preordered and prepaid for it. A comparison to TWEWY isn’t a bad thing.

Thanks a lot for the link! I hope my NCSX copy will also arrive tomorrow where I live in Europe, but I’m a bit sceptical due to all the snow.

Did Fox just take a stab at Final Fantasy? PC fanbois are funny.

Thanks for the language pointers. You never know these days, what with my game of the year being an imported Asian edition and all.

Hah, 7 hour tutorial? Looks like everyone’s Kingdom Hearts II jokes will be new again.

I’m entitled to not like Final Fantasy. Now go sulk in the corner, Mr. Hater.

It’s funny. The internet needs more stuff like this.