Best Screencap Utility

Hey kids, how are ya? I’m writing because I’m gonna get back into reviewing games on my little blog, and wanted to ask your opinion on screen capture programs. I used to use Hypersnap all the time, but am just curious if something better has come along lately.

Thanks in advance for your insight. :)


for games? hypersnap dx still works great.

for other software… check out snagit.

XP = Hypersnap
Vista/7 = FRAPS

Hypersnap broke with the new display driver model introduced in Vista. That might be fixed by now, but they didn’t bother addressing it for months after Vista was introduced, so I switched to FRAPS.

Another vote for Snagit, which I’ve been using for years and which still works great on Windows 7. Even has a more than decent integrated image editor.

Fraps or Snagit, K, I’ll give 'em a shot. Thanks guys!

I vote for print screen and open paint my self.

That doesn’t capture stuff printed to the hardware overlay. Can anyone confirm if the above programs do?

Yeah I know it was a joke.

I use the free version of Fraps. That captures bmp files, I think. Then I open up Picasa, which auto-loads them. I export them to a new folder, which converts them to jpegs of the same size, then I move that folder wherever I want and delete the originals.

Takes a step or two longer than I’d like, but that step or two isn’t worth the $37 Fraps would like to export straight to jpeg.

Owned a fraps license for years, much cheaper than its $37 price tag now. Still the most updated and best capture util out there, imo.

According to the home page it’s now compatible with Vista & Windows 7.

Hey guys, me again. I’ve run into a program that has some kind of hardware overlay issue, so FRAPS won’t work with it. I’m gonna try something called Jing, but just in case that doesn’t work, I’d love some suggestions as to some (preferably free) alternatives, please. Thanks!

I use PlayClaw which isn’t free.

Did you try the other tools we talked about too? Hypersnap and Snagit… did either not work?

I didn’t wanna pay for one, but it looks like Hypersnap will fit the bill.

have you tried wegame?

Never even heard of it until today! I’ll give it a whirl, thanks!

Huh, the download link isn’t working for me.

hmm shit i think they died. they used to offer a recording service/site/social network.

their forums are filled with spam and their last facebook update was april 2011. i think they’re dead, jim.