There’s some sort of bug with the calendar in fat PS3s that has just cropped up. If you switch it on, there’s a good chance you’ll get a network error and all of your PSN content will be disabled.

It may also mess up trophies and games, and can affect offline consoles. The advice from Eurogamer is not to turn yours on until Sony have a fix. My brother is reporting that his launch 60Gb is fine, so it’s not universal. I still think it’s best to err on the side of caution.

It doesn’t affect Slims so you lot are fine.

Quite the failure on Sony’s part. I know this sort of thing happens, but it should not on such a scale. I suppose if they’re messed up by the bug Sony will have to take the hit and replace them all.

Addendum: Damn it all. Should have checked the forum first instead of going for the helpful announcement.

More discussion about the bug also in this thread: “Only Sony can have a leap year bug during a non-leap year.”

I like this thread’s title more. It grabs the attention.

Yeah. Worth bumping.

my ps3 finds the topic offensive.
It never considered itself fat before… now it’s all confused.

Well, it definitely has curves+.

Sony are now promising a fix within 24 hours, which may be Spin Doctor for “Wait and it’ll sort itself out”. Maybe, maybe not.

+On that note, I’ve just noticed how clumsy the title is. I was going for “LOOK AT ME” but yikes, not pleasant.

I feel like this thread should be the official PS3 bug thread. The titles of the other two are too passive.

I’m posting this from my PS3. Oh, wait, this is my laptop.

Also, I don’t own a PS3.

Speaking of which, I found the PS3 web browser to be awful. Is that the general consensus?

But this thread’s title has the advantage of giving me the wonderful mental image of a portly insect in full military dress sitting atop someone’s PS3, swatting people’s hands away when they try to start it up.

Evidently the PS3 suffers from sudden acceleration!